While We Were Sleeping…

While We Were Sleeping… Jesus said those that look upon another with a lustful eye have committed adultery. The act of adultery is not committed in the bedroom but in the heart, mind and soul. This is where we actually live. Since we are merely visitors of this world and our home is elsewhere would it not make perfect sense when we sin against God in our mind, our heart and our soul we are committing the act in earnest? We want it both ways, unfortunately, it doesn’t work in…


The Devil’s Lying to You Today

The Devil’s Lying to You Today by CALEB GREGGSEN for The Gospel Coalition Winston Churchill once quipped, “In wartime, truth is so precious that she should always be attended by a bodyguard of lies.” It’s a humorous line. And, in a war, accurate. In political strategy, a useful tactic. But for Christians, who actually want the truth to be known by all, the cloud of confusion thrown up by false rumors, almost-truths, and fake news is toxic. The lies that surround the truth of the gospel aren’t put there by…


We Should Love More…

We Should Love More… As this global experiment enters into the next phase we are seeing more and more people standing up and speaking out. The overlords are not amused. How should we, as Christians, address what is happening with our world being stolen from us? Should we fight for our children? Should we simply move away from the window and pray? What would Jesus do? If we sit idly by and allow the satanic globalist to continue their global game martial law and allow our children’s future to be…



3 WAYS CHRIST’S RESURRECTION CHANGES YOU by Andrew Menkis for Core Christianity The accounts of Jesus’ resurrection are more than inspiring stories. They recount a historical event of life-altering magnitude. Jesus died and came back to life. The resurrection proves Jesus was sinless, for if he had sinned, death would have the right to hold him. It proves he is divine, for who but the creator of life has power over death? Truly human and truly divine, Christ is able to take on and die for the sins of humankind…



FROM ADDICT TO CEO & RESPONSE TO MEDIA SMEARS | MIKE LINDELL Video by The Rubin Report Dave Rubin of The Rubin Report talks to Mike Lindell (Inventor & MyPillow CEO) about how he went from being an addict to CEO as well as his recent treatment by mainstream media. Mike shares his past struggles with drug and gambling addiction. He also tells the story of how he started his successful company MyPillow and nearly lost it all to his battles with addiction and how his religious faith helped him…


Let Your Nostalgia Point You Home

Let Your Nostalgia Point You Home  by DAVID GIBSON for The Gospel Coalition It’s common to hear this sentiment today, almost word for word: “Things aren’t like they used to be.” “Why is the world getting so bad? Violent crime is on the rise.” “I’m glad I didn’t have to bring up my children in these days.” But here’s how I think the preacher in Ecclesiastes would respond to people who say things like this: If you think you’re living in a world where things are getting worse all the…


A Hurricane Taught My Neighborhood How Not To Waste A Good Crisis

A Hurricane Taught My Neighborhood How Not To Waste A Good Crisis By J.C. Bourque for The Federalist Ingenuity and hard work, with neighbors cooperating for the good of all, provided a chance to bond with others and witness the best of people on glorious display. It’s August 24, 1992. My family and I are huddled in the bathtub in the middle of the night, watching the bathroom door racking in its frame as the whole house twists and bends in response to the 165 m.p.h. winds outside. Our neighborhood is…