Big Tech Glorifies and Acknowledges the Enemy

Big Tech Glorifies and Acknowledges the Enemy In case you ever wondered about all these giant tech companies and how they get grip on our lives and why it’s so difficult for us to break free…wonder no more. Thank you, Praying Medic, for putting this together. We need all the brothers and sisters, God’s children, to help one another to break the chains of the enemy. 1) This is my Q thread for March 5, 2019 Q posts can be found here: Android apps: My theme:…


This Is Satan’s Next Step for America

This Is Satan’s Next Step for America by JOHN BURTON for Charisma Mag Slaughtering anything that threatens what people value is next on Satan’s plan for America. I’ve been saying for years that we are moving closer and closer to a reality in our nation that includes killing children well after they have been born. The only requirement for that medically sanctioned prescription to kill our children is proof of hardship, threat or inconvenience. If our way of living is negatively affected by our children, the option to eliminate them…


Phil Robertson: 10 lies the devil is using to ‘destroy’ America

Phil Robertson: 10 lies the devil is using to ‘destroy’ America By Samuel Smith, CP Reporter for Christian Post “Duck Dynasty” star Phil Robertson has come out with a new book that aims to “blow the lid off the lies that are destroying” America. The conservative Christian reality TV star spoke with The Christian Post to talk about the book and how coming to Christ at age 28 helped him leave his sinful life in the past. The 72-year-old patriarch of A&E’s hit reality series and the co-owner of the Duck Commander…


45 minutes on a single paragraph of Nietzsche’s Beyond Good & Evil (Video)

45 minutes on a single paragraph of Nietzsche’s Beyond Good & Evil Video – Jordan Peterson This is a 45-minute discussion of a single paragraph from the German existential philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s masterwork, Beyond Good and Evil. It indicates the remarkable density and profundity of his work — his ability to layer meaning upon meaning in a few sentences. Video Source


How Can a Just God Send People to Hell? (Podcast)

How Can a Just God Send People to Hell? Podcast – RZIM / Just Thinking If God is a God of justice, how can He give the eternal punishment of hell for temporal sin? Join Ravi Zacharias and RZIM speaker Vince Vitale as they conclude the Q&A session at the University of Florida on today’s episode of Just Thinking. MP3 Download / Listen HERE>>> More at RZIM>>>


Governor Who Endorsed Infanticide Received $2 Million From Planned Parenthood

Governor Who Endorsed Infanticide Received $2 Million From Planned Parenthood By Tom Pappert Big League Politics Public records reveal Virginia Governor Ralph Northam, who endorsed infanticide as a form of abortion on Wednesday, received almost $2 million in campaign contributions from Planned Parenthood. Research reveals nearly $2 million in campaign contributions from the taxpayer funded pro-abortion group Planned Parenthood sent to Northam, who endorsed a bill that would allow new mothers to determine whether they wanted to keep a child after delivery, essentially legalizing infanticide. Northam received $1.996 million from Planned Parenthood Virginia over…


End Times? This is Disturbing…

End Times? This is Disturbing… by Randolph Jason – Gospel News Network Sometimes don’t you pray you can somehow un-see something? Well, keep that in mind if you decide to watch the video below – there is no un-seeing. This is the agenda that is being pushed, heavily, in the U.S. and it appears to be a major force in Eastern Europe as well. We have been following the surge of Christianity around the world and this is a big part of the counter attack. The enemy is sending out…