Christianity Rapidly Growing in Oppressive Iran

Christianity Rapidly Growing in Oppressive Iran By Dan Andros for Faith Wire News Despite an Islamic government that systematically harasses and imprisons Christian converts and indoctrinates it’s youth into Islam, Christianity is growing at unprecedented rates in Iran. Voice of the Martyr’s radio host Todd Nettleton joined Faithwire’s Dan Andros to discuss the details behind the incredible trend. WATCH: AGAINST ALL ODDS Against all odds, Christianity continues to see massive gains in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Islamic Clerics are warning against the spread of Christianity, house churches are routinely targeted…


No War On Christianity – London will blare Islamic call to prayer during Ramadan as churches remain closed

No War On Christianity – London will blare Islamic call to prayer during Ramadan as churches remain closed By Paul Smeaton for Life Site News GNN Note – WOW! The depths of self loathing that must be reached to not fully understand what is happening here. ****** The words in the Adhan state: ‘Allah is the greatest. I bear witness that there is no god except Allah. I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Come to prayer. Come to salvation.’ A London suburb totalling a mere 15…


Why Not Judaism for Jews and Christianity for Gentiles?

Why Not Judaism for Jews and Christianity for Gentiles? by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown In the midst of the ongoing controversy concerning GOD TV’s new Hebrew speaking channel in Israel, a larger question has emerged. Is it right for Christians to share their faith with Jews? After all, the Jewish people were chosen by God and have the Torah and their traditions. Why try to “convert” them to an alien faith, especially in light of centuries of “Christian” antisemitism? Why not leave the Jewish people with their faith and offer…


Christian Ministry Turns Away Government COVID-19 Aid Over Fears There Will Be ‘Strings Attached’

Christian Ministry Turns Away Government COVID-19 Aid Over Fears There Will Be ‘Strings Attached’ By Tré Goins-Phillips for Faith Wire News GNN Note – If you lay down with dogs, you’re gonna get fleas. “Hi, I’m from the government, I’m here to help.”…rrriiiggghhhttt and pigs really do fly!! ****** A popular college campus ministry, Ratio Christi, has turned away federal financial assistance amid the coronavirus pandemic over fears the money will come with “strings attached.” Corey Miller, president of the apologetics ministry, told The College Fix the nonprofit he leads certainly needs the…


Rembrandt’s Resurrection of Christ as a Guiding Light for Today’s World

Rembrandt’s Resurrection of Christ as a Guiding Light for Today’s World by Matthew Ehret for Strategic-Culture Today, the world finds itself moving through a turbulent transformation between two systems. Collapsing at a faster rate every day are the foundations of a failed imperial world order defined by zero-sum thinking, consumerism and materialism which has defined our existence for decades. The question is now: will the new world system take the form of a new era of global empire, unmitigated war between faiths and a prolonged dark age OR might it…


‘It’s Time for Christians to Let Their Light Shine’ as World’s Most Persecuted Bear the Brunt of Coronavirus Blame

‘It’s Time for Christians to Let Their Light Shine’ as World’s Most Persecuted Bear the Brunt of Coronavirus Blame by Jennifer Wishon for CBN News As the world continues to sludge through life in the midst of a global COVID-19 pandemic, the world’s persecuted people of faith are easy scapegoats. Experts at the US Commission on International Freedom (USCIRF) say during crises like this religious minorities are at greater risk. Commissioner Jim Carr uses the example of the Shincheonji Church in South Korea. More than a million people have signed…


Erick Erickson Says Cross Sales Soared After Newsweek’s ‘Burning Cross’ Hit Piece

Erick Erickson Says Cross Sales Soared After Newsweek’s ‘Burning Cross’ Hit Piece By Dan Andros for Faith Wire News Conservative commentator and radio host Erick Erickson responded to a piece from Newsweek that suggested he was racist because he put Christmas lights on a cross in his front yard, shrugging them off as preposterous. The piece used mainly a group of disgruntled progressives on social media as the entire basis for the story, which was condemned and ignored by other journalists. On the bright side, however, Erickson reports that since the…