Children of the Great Scattering: Life After the Sexual Revolution

Children of the Great Scattering: Life After the Sexual Revolution by Paul Adams for The Epoch Times GNN Note – Yet, more evidence supporting the “Essence of Collapse” idea. Commentary Like fools, we rushed in. I came of age politically in the 1960s, earned my doctorate in the 1970s, and taught social work students (mostly at masters and doctoral level) until retiring in 2011. In the first period of the sexual revolution, my students and I mostly celebrated the revolution as a period of liberation for adults, especially women, from…

God Is Always Listening – Even When We Don’t Think So

God Is Always Listening – Even When We Don’t Think So by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network Sunday evening I was going over everything on the website and checking twitter and was surprised at the number of “Notifications” I had received over the weekend. They were more than triple the typical volume. The one notice I received was from Bill Stack, Pastor of Salem Full Gospel Church in Salem, Missouri. When we published Church Offerings – Essence of Collapse we didn’t expect an immediate response, but we sure received…

We Killed God, Family, And Community — And Now It’s Killing Us

We Killed God, Family, And Community — And Now It’s Killing Us By Thane Bellomo for The Federalist GNN Note – We are grateful this subject is beginning to move center stage. We have been discussing this topic for some time, however, in 2019 we have really focused on what’s actually happening. Part of our response is this website. Some of the articles we have written include: Rat Infested, Third World Conditions: The Essence of Collapse The Essence of Collapse Part II Tucker Carlson Explains The Essence of Collapse ****** We…

False Pride Month Ends, Just Like Empires End

False Pride Month Ends, Just Like Empires End by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network We bring you two stories showing the unfolding collapse of society. If you don’t believe this is how economies, nations and societies collapse I would challenge you to review history and let me know what you find. Oh, that’s right, you will find this same type of debauchery was happening at the end of every empire throughout history. You can start here to see a wider view of what is happening, why it’s happening and…

Christian Genocide: No War On Christians

Christian Genocide: No War On Christians by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network Two absolutely incredible segments on Tucker Carlson aired on May 21, 2019. Tammy Bruce, a personal favorite delivers a message of hope and humanity. She and Tucker discuss the true essence of collapse – spiritual warfare. Tammy’s approach is from a different perspective than my own, but at the end of the day our views are 100% aligned – without God, Jesus Christ, we are going to fail. The segment close to the end of the show,…

Enemy At The Gate and Enemy Inside The Walls

Enemy At The Gate and Enemy Inside The Walls by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network We have an opportunity within every minute of everyday to make decisions of what the next step should be. With each passing breath we can either praise, seek the guidance of God or go our own way. It’s the rush to free-will that gets into to trouble. Not sometimes, but every time. We as a society have seemingly lost our way. Look around. What we see is a society in collapse. Why? Chasing free-will…

The Food Crisis Of 2023 Is Going To Be Far Worse Than Most People Would Dare To Imagine

The Food Crisis Of 2023 Is Going To Be Far Worse Than Most People Would Dare To Imagine by Michael for The Economic Collapse Blog I am trying to sound the alarm about this as loudly as I can.  The global food crisis just continues to intensify, and things are going to get really bad in 2023.  As you will see below, two-thirds of European fertilizer production has already been shut down, currency problems are causing massive headaches for poor nations that need to import food, global weather patterns continue to…

Why America desperately needs another “Great Awakening”

Why America desperately needs another “Great Awakening” from Prophecy News Watch From the nation’s capital to the harvest fields in the mid-west, Christians have been crying out to God for spiritual renewal in America. Some believe the nation sits on the brink of collapse, with the only hope being a visitation of God’s power and presence. “Revival or we die,” Dr. Michael Brown told CBN News “That’s where we have to get. You have to get to a place where you can’t live any longer without visitation. It could be…

The Holy Spirit, God’s Greatest Gift

The Holy Spirit, God’s Greatest Gift BY William Boekestein for Core Christianity  (53) Q. What do you believe concerning “the Holy Spirit”? A. First, that the Spirit, with the Father and the Son, is eternal God. Second, that he is given also to me,so that, through true faith, he makes me share in Christ and all his benefits,comforts me,and will remain with me forever. In the days after Jesus’s physical return to heaven, the disciples were waiting. Jesus had commissioned them to be his witnesses in a hostile world. But they lacked…