For I Will Deliver Him…

For I Will Deliver Him… We are confronted with situations every single day that we have breath in our lungs. That breath comes from God. At the basic level of life we are 100% dependent upon God. When these various situations pop-up our will kicks in and we, sometimes, a lot of times and with some of us, all the time, we forget we are living in God’s will not ours and don’t understand why everything is going sideways. The trouble, the decision or direction we are faced with becomes…


A Prayer for Unity | John 17 (Video)

A Prayer for Unity | John 17 Video by Pastor, Gary Hamrick for Cornerstone Chapel Leesburg, VA When Jesus prays for us in John 17, He asks the Father to give us UNITY. But what kind of “unity” is Jesus speaking of? Does He mean that we should just all “get along,” accepting everything and anything under the “umbrella of unity?” Not at all. Unfortunately, some Christians and/or churches, in pursuit of unity, have forsaken integrity and doctrinal purity. So how do we receive and maintain the kind of unity…


Mary Wrapped a Present (Video)

Mary Wrapped a Present Video by The Hoppers The snow was falling down that night With no place to rest in sight Soon she would bring forth a son The inn was full so instead He was born in a stable bed There His life had just began But how was she supposed to know As she wrapped him in swaddling clothes Her precious newborn son would become a sacrifice Yes, He would run and He would laugh and play But His manhood would bring the day For the world…


For Where Your Treasure Is…

For Where Your Treasure Is… If a person holds their treasure in earthly things they will be sadly disappointed. There is nothing worse than losing sight of the Lord over worldly items, especially, when we ought to know better. It is when we stop listening to Jesus Christ and become blind with greed and lust that we are often times consumed by anger after the failure. Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: but lay up…


Entering God’s Rest (Video)

Entering God’s Rest Video by Pastor, Tony Evans for Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Life is full of detours. Tony Evans says if you’re not currently in a detour, then you either just came from one or are about to head into one. But detours have a pattern that you can look for if you find you’re not where you had planned to be. In this lesson, learn about the three patterns that detours possess to help get yourself back on the main route.



TO KNOW AND MAKE KNOWN Video by Jeremy Riddle My life comes down to this To know and to make known The Glory I have seen The Presence I have felt The God who took on flesh Whose kingdom overthrows All darkness and disease The Light of the world I only live to worship and to breathe Your Presence in as I release The joy that washing over me The hunger in my heart The fire in my bones Is to see the nations come And glorify the Lord To…


Which Is Your Reasonable Service…

Which Is Your Reasonable Service… Prayers are powerful. Prayers are one of the greatest tools, greatest weapons and greatest gifts from God. When we pray life changes. When we pray people look different. When we pray chores become effortless. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. ~ Romans 12:1 KJB We give our lives to God, in the name of Jesus Christ. When we commit ourselves to God, to Jesus…


The Prophecy (Video) – David Jeremiah

The Prophecy (Video) – David Jeremiah Matthew 24:1-3 At the beginning of the Olivet Discourse, Jesus prophesies to his disciples about the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem and prepares them for the future. Although Jesus didn’t answer all of the disciples’ questions they knew they could trust Him with the future, and we can as well. 00:00 – Jesus wants you to know about the future. 03:44 – Dr. Jeremiah’s message – “The Prophecy” 25:24 – One last word from Dr. Jeremiah


Mary Did You Know? (Video)

Mary Did You Know? Video by One Voice Children’s Choir Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy would one day walk on water? Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy would save our sons and daughters? Did you know that your Baby Boy has come to make you new? This child that you you delivered will soon deliver you. Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy will give sight to a blind man? Mary, did you know that your Baby Boy will calm the storm with His…