In a World of Persecution, BE PREPARED (Video) – Jeremiah

In a World of Persecution, BE PREPARED (Video) – Jeremiah by Pastor, Dr. David Jeremiah You might think the persecution of Christians has decreased in this age of tolerance, but it hasn’t. In fact, Jesus promised it will only get worse. Dr. David Jeremiah looks at why Christians will face more and more hatred from the world in the last days, and how believers ought to respond. 00:00 – We need to learn how to worship God. 05:02 – Dr. Jeremiah’s message – “In a World of Persecution, BE PREPARED”…


Serve Like Jesus | John 13:1-17 (Video)

Serve Like Jesus | John 13:1-17 Video by Pastor, Gary Hamrick for Cornerstone Chapel Leesburg VA In today’s study from John 13, Pastor Gary teaches about the time when Jesus washed the feet of His disciples. It was a pure gesture of love and humility. The God of the Universe stooped down to wash the dirty feet of sinners! And then He tells us to “follow His example.” How are we to serve others in humility, especially those who have betrayed or mistreated us? Pastor Gary draws out four important…


Trusting the Trustworthy One (Video)

Trusting the Trustworthy One Video by Pastor, Bill Johnson for Bethel We have the privilege of trusting the One who is perfectly trustworthy. In this full sermon, Bill Johnson teaches from Proverbs 3: 5-6 and challenges us to allow our faith and trust in God to be refined and deepened. Any area of fear or anxiety in our lives is not a cause for shame, but an invitation to deeper trust in God in that specific area. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your…


In a World of Disasters, BE CONFIDENT (Video)

In a World of Disasters, BE CONFIDENT Video by Pastor, Dr David Jeremiah Jesus said the End Times will bring more disasters like famine, plagues, and earthquakes. When the ground is crumbling, can your faith remain unshaken? Dr. David Jeremiah returns to Matthew twenty-four to shed light on this prophecy and God’s promise of protection. 00:00 – This world is not our home. 04:48 – Dr. Jeremiah’s message – “In a World of Disasters, BE CONFIDENT” 27:53 – One last word from Dr. Jeremiah


Light in a Dark World | John 12:34-35, 46 (Video)

Light in a Dark World | John 12:34-35, 46 Video by Pastor, Gary Hamrick for Cornerstone Chapel at Leesburg VA The Bible uses multiple references to “light” and “darkness”—good and evil—right and wrong. Jesus stepped into our dark world as the Light of the world. He died on a cross to bring us into the light and to rescue us from the dominion of darkness. In today’s study, Pastor Gary talks about these terms of contrast and how we can be saved from a dark world, dark hearts, dark minds,…


In a World of War, BE CALM | Matthew 24:6-7 (Video)

In a World of War, BE CALM | Matthew 24:6-7 Video by Pastor, Dr David Jeremiah As the nations of the world seem to be racing toward greater conflict, even annihilation, what should Christians be doing in response? Dr. David Jeremiah examines Jesus’ prophecy that His followers would hear of “wars and rumors of wars” in earth’s final days. 00:00 – Series Intro OR other information 00:00 – Dr. Jeremiah’s message – “????” 00:00 – One last word from Dr. Jeremiah OR Next Week on Turning Point