Seven Lessons for Productivity (Video)

Seven Lessons for Productivity Video by Pastor John Piper for Desiring God After fifteen hundred episodes of the Ask Pastor John podcast, Pastor John shares seven lessons that have inspired him to labor faithfully over decades. Ninety months ago, we started a little podcast called Ask Pastor John. And today we reach episode 1,500. Incredible. This is only possible with the support and engagement of many listeners around the globe — your prayers, your listens, your emails, your suggestions, and your continued financial support. Thank you so much. And when…


The Sign of the Son of Man (Podcast)

The Sign of the Son of Man Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur Podcast HERE >>> Matthew 24:29–31 This morning, we come in our study of God’s Word to a very marvelous and thrilling passage for Christians, and so I invite you to turn in your Bible to Matthew chapter 24 as we look at verses 29 through 31.   A great text on the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Those of us who know and love the Lord, those of us who study His Word, are very much aware of the fact that the…


How Do I Know If I’m Doing Enough for God? (Video)

How Do I Know If I’m Doing Enough for God? Video by Pastor John Piper Before you get overwhelmed by all of the Bible’s commands, remember your right standing with God and focus first on the anchors of faithful obedience. “I’m anxious that I don’t do enough for God.” This statement arrives every week in our inbox. We hear it all the time. In this case, it comes from a young man, a listener to the podcast. “Thank you, Pastor John, for* APJ. *I am a follower of Jesus, and…


Hearing & Responding (Video)

Hearing & Responding Video by Pastor Jason Ramos for Antioch Waco Paul is perhaps one of the most widely known apostles in the New Testament, but he didn’t start off following Jesus. Our Impact Waco Director, Jason Ramos, shared the story of Saul’s transformation to Paul. Everything changed when Paul heard God’s voice and responded, and Jason has a similar story. After years of drug addiction, violence, and incarceration, he heard God’s voice. And he didn’t just hear, he responded. GNN Note – True Identity is revealed. Saul becomes Paul