The True Christmas Spirit (Podcast)

The True Christmas Spirit Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You Podcast HERE >>> If you’re like me, you have heard the world’s comments and evaluations of this time of the year. And one of the phrases that you hear a lot is the Christmas spirit. We need to have the Christmas spirit. And of course, I began to think about that, being somewhat analytical. Just what is the Christmas spirit. And I suppose there are a lot of potential answers to that question. To Scrooge, the Christmas…


Paying Your Taxes, Part 1 (Podcast)

Paying Your Taxes, Part 1 Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You Podcast HERE >>> Well, let’s open our Bibles tonight to the 13th chapter of Romans, Romans chapter 13.  And I’m encouraged that all of you have come tonight in spite of the subject.  We’re going to be talking about the biblical instruction to pay your taxes.  That’s where we find ourselves in our continuing study of this great epistle of Romans.  Romans chapter 13, we’re going to be looking at verses 6 and 7.  So I might read them to you just…