Confessing Our Sins (Podcast)

Confessing Our Sins Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You Podcast HERE >>> In our lesson this time, we are continuing to study the theme of spiritual growth, this very essential reality of maturity in the Christian life. And whether you’re a new Christian, a Christian who’s a little bit along in years of knowing Christ, or whether you’ve been a Christian for a very long time, you never really stop the process of spiritual maturity. If you do, you’re in sad shape to be sure. But a…


I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life | John 14:6 (Video)

I AM the Way, the Truth, and the Life | John 14:6 Video by Pastor Gary Hamrick for Cornerstone Chapel Leesburg Va In John 14:6, Jesus makes a very exclusive claim—that the only way to get to God and the only way to go to Heaven is through Jesus Christ. There is no other process and no other person through which we can be saved. The idea that there is only “one way” to God (instead of multiple paths) leaves some to believe that Christianity is narrow-minded and bigoted. But…