Season of Joy | Luke 2:8-11 (Video)

Season of Joy | Luke 2:8-11 Video by Pastor Tyler Hamrick for Cornerstone Chapel At Christmas we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, which is good news for all! For the Christian, this brings great joy. But what is true joy exactly? Is it the same as mere happiness or is it different? How does one experience real, genuine joy? Join our study today as we look into God’s Word on how Joy is something that is not temporal, but eternal. 0:00 – Welcome 0:41- Introduction 9:43 –…


God, the Savior of Men (Podcast)

God, the Savior of Men Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You Podcast HERE >>> Luke’s gospel, chapter 2; we’re beginning a study of Luke. I thought we would move more rapidly than we are. I…I knew Luke was a great historian, and that is being verified as we go, fastidious, careful with detail. And I knew that Luke was something of a theologian but the more I’m studying this gospel the more I’m impressed with the depth and breadth and height and length of his theology. And…


Season of Peace (Video)

Season of Peace Video by Pastor Austin Hamrick for Cornerstone Chapel The CDC put out a report in late August saying that nearly half of American adults reported struggling with mental health or substance abuse due to the pandemic. Having peace is something that alludes many people today. However, the word “peace” is mentioned 420 times in the Bible, and it also appears at all three significant stages of Jesus’ life: His birth, death, and resurrection. Why is peace so greatly emphasized at all three stages of His life? And…


Commitment to the Church (Podcast)

Commitment to the Church Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You Podcast HERE >>> For those of you who know me, who have been a part of our church for any time, know that I love the church.  Through the years of ministry, I have had occasion and opportunity to consider other kinds of ministry as to mission field ministry and educational ministry and various and sundry kinds of opportunities that have come my way.  But no matter how wonderful they might have been, no matter how attractive,…