Jesus’ Standard for Relating to Others | Matthew 5:33-48 (Video)

Jesus’ Standard for Relating to Others | Matthew 5:33-48 Video by Pastor Gary Hamrick for Cornerstone Chapel The standard that Jesus sets about how to relate to others is very different from the world’s standard. Jesus teaches things like: we are to keep the promises we make; we are to “turn the other cheek” when insulted; and we are to love those who mistreat or malign us. The world’s approach is completely the opposite. But as Christians we must follow His example even when the rest of the world lives…


Fundamental Christian Attitudes: Strength (Podcast)

Fundamental Christian Attitudes: Strength Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You Podcast HERE >>> Tonight we return to a theme which we began in the message this morning on being strong in the Lord. If you’ll open your Bibles, I trust, to the sixth chapter of Ephesians and we’ll look together to the Word of God. The Bible has so much to say to us of great import for our lives and this passage ranks among the very most important in the life of a believer. As we…