The Hopelessness of the Stubbornly Blind (Podcast)

The Hopelessness of the Stubbornly Blind Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You Podcast HERE >>>   Open your Bible to the ninth chapter of John. And for those who haven’t been with us in our previous studies of the ninth chapter, apologies, because you’re going to miss the opening two sessions of this great ninth chapter. So let me see if I can’t condense it for you just very briefly. Jesus is in Jerusalem. He’s going through one of the temple entrances, temple gates. And He comes…


The Other Side of the Coin | Matthew 22 (Video)

The Other Side of the Coin | Matthew 22 Video by Pastor Gary Hamrick for Cornerstone Chapel In Matthew 22 some religious and political leaders, who were opposed to Jesus, plotted to trap Him in His words with a question about taxes. They assumed that the controversial topic would cause Jesus to alienate people depending on His answer. But Jesus responds with the wisdom of heaven and encourages people to give “to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s.” Yes, he made a statement that it’s our…


How We Will Relate to Others in Heaven (Podcast)

How We Will Relate to Others in Heaven Podcast by Pastor John MacArthur for Grace to You Podcast HERE >>>   There seems to be a significant amount of indifference toward the glory of our future. There is minimal interest in what God has prepared for them that love Him and a whole lot of preoccupation with how Jesus is supposed to fix life here and make it idyllic. That is really not what the Bible promises us at all. Our great hope is ahead of us in the glory…