The Promised Arrival of the King (Video)

The Promised Arrival of the King Video by Pastor John MacArthur Podcast HERE >>> Now, this morning, as we talk about the beginning of Passion Week, we’re going to talk about our Lord’s entry into the city of Jerusalem. We read from Matthew chapter 21; and I’m not going to go back to that chapter, but we’re going to back up a little bit and go to the Old Testament and look at what was being fulfilled on that day. And I already pointed out, just reading it and praying…


Get Ready ‘cause Here I Come pt.1 | Matthew 24:45-51 (Video)

Get Ready ‘cause Here I Come pt.1 | Matthew 24:45-51 Video by Pastor Gary Hamrick for Cornerstone Chapel Leesburg VA The Bible teaches that Jesus is coming again! In fact, there are almost three times as many prophecies predicting the Second Coming of Christ as there were prophecies predicting His First Coming. In Matthew 24:44​, Jesus exhorts us to “be ready” for His Second Coming. But since we don’t know exactly when Jesus will return we have to be watching and waiting patiently. Between Matthew 24-25, Jesus teaches three parables…