The New Birth Video by Pastor Billy Graham
READ MORECategory: Daily Pastoral Message
Revival Unto Reformation (Video)
Revival Unto Reformation Video by Pastor Bill Johnson
READ MORE1 Samuel 1 (Video)
1 Samuel 1 Video by Pastor Doug Thornton, The Church at Grace Park
READ MORETherefore Be Ye Also Ready (Video)
Therefore Be Ye Also Ready Video by Pastor D.L. Moody from BackToThePreacher This message was preached December 31, 1876 only two days after the death of hymn writer P.P. Bliss at Ashtabula, Ohio. Mr. Bliss wrote such hymns as Wonderful Words of Life, Once For All, Almost Persuaded, Hallelujah What A Savior, Let The Lower Lights Be Burning, Dare To Be A Daniel and the music to It Is Well With My Soul.
READ MOREOh God, Would You Rend The Heavens? (Video)
Oh God, Would You Rend The Heavens? Video by Pastor Shane Idleman
READ MORETrue Love (Video)
True Love Video by Pastor Billy Graham
READ MOREValues Create Atmosphere (Video)
Values Create Atmosphere Video by Pastor Bill Johnson
READ MORETime To Spread The Gospel (Video)
Time To Spread The Gospel Video by Pastor Bob Cook for The Church At Grace Park One of the most impassioned messages I’ve ever heard. Pastor Bob lights a fire then begins throwing gas on it. It’s a shame you weren’t in the sanctuary to experience this message in person. It is an amazing testimony – it is an amazing call to Christians to begin acting like Christians instead of observers at sporting event.
READ MOREGetting your identity from God (Video)
Getting your identity from God Video by Jamie Winship
READ MOREWhat Hinders Faithfulness? | Mark 4 (Video)
What Hinders Faithfulness? | Mark 4 Video by Pastor Gary Hamrick for Cornerstone Chapel Leesburg Va When the Bible calls us to be “fruitful” it means that the qualities, characteristics, and virtues of Jesus should be more and more evident in our lives. But what are some things that hinder that fruitfulness? Jesus explains three things that hinder our fruitfulness in the Parable of the Sower. Join Pastor Gary for today’s teaching as we learn about three particular things that threaten our fruitfulness—Satan, persecution, and the world.