Recognizing Divine Favor (Video)

Recognizing Divine Favor Video by Pastor Bill Johnson for Bethel Church In this full sermon, Bill Johnson teaches on the importance of recognizing divine favor on each other’s lives and keeping our hearts from bitterness and jealousy. How do we respond when someone receives breakthrough and favor in the very thing we’ve been praying for? Managing our hearts well in these moments is what will set us up to be good stewards of the favor on our own lives.


Food, Covid, and Other Matters (Video)

Food, Covid, and Other Matters Video by Pastor Bill Johnson for Bethel Church Bill Johnson talks about food, covid, and other matters. Sharing from Romans 14 and other scripture, Bill emphasizes the importance of living according to our own faith, while protecting the conscience of those around us. Bill relates it to covid and how we are called to love and honor one another in these times despite differing convictions.


The Rapture of the Church (Video)

The Rapture of the Church Video by Pastor Tony Evans You’ve probably read, watched or heard of the popular book series, Left Behind, that introduced many people to the realities of the biblical rapture. But to understand this event and how it will affect you, it’s also important to realize why. Join Tony Evans in this detailed look at the next event on the prophetic calendar—the return of Christ for His people.