A True Ministry

A True Ministry Most believers and non-believers have heard or experienced some type of story about a minister who mistreated his flock. Currently, there are a great many ministers that are believers and non-believers alike have questions about their ministry. Mostly the questions about their fame and fortune. Jesus was humble and stated quiet clearly that we are to remain humble. Why wouldn’t this apply to the minister of a church? As Paul demonstrates, and explains, it most certainly does apply to ministers and their ministry. No one should expect…


The Word and The Power

The Word and The Power For those living a true Christian life they, not only walk the walk but they in such a way that every person coming in contact with them understands and appreciates the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling within them. The fact that few people know or understand this, especially in the first few meetings, makes the power of the Living God all the more important. It is not every step that I take that I walk in this Light, maybe one day, but today is…


Did You Hear?

Did You Hear? How often we listen without hearing, look without seeing and live without life. This is the challenge, for me, that Paul spoke of in Romans 7: 14-15; 14 For we know that the law is spiritual, but I am carnal, sold under sin. 15 For what I am doing, I do not understand. For what I will to do, that I do not practice; but what I hate, that I do. This is an everyday struggle for sinners, of which we all are. The best I can…


Another Day…

Another Day… Some days, and this is one, it seems the words just simply can’t find their way to the fore. While I have prayed, read more than two chapters of scriptures and prayed some more, the words for todays devotional seem to evade my lips. Quiet and still we wait patiently for God to speak to us. Quiet and still we remain as the clouds gather and are dispersed. It is the Light and the Way we follow and while simple words are escaping my grasp, love, faith and…


Almost a Christian

Almost a Christian When I was a small boy around age 5-6 I would get up on Sunday morning and walk, alone, down to the southern baptist church approximately 5 blocks away. The security and safety that I felt in being in this place, I believe, was the attraction. This went on for a number of weeks, maybe even months, but it did come to an end. I didn’t get back to church until some years later, and that was for a short period as well. I knew nothing of…


Calm In The Storm

Calm In The Storm We are told all our lives that character is revealed during times of stress or when we are suffering great external pressure. Folding like a cheap lawn chair reveals as much about character as standing firm, calm when the storm arrives. It is not the pressure nor the stress but what makes up our heart and more importantly what foundation we stand upon. Jesus, the Son of Man, is the only foundation solid enough to show our character true. If our hearts are made of flesh…


Turning In A Flash, Literally

Turning In A Flash, Literally Have you ever been traveling in one direction and realized that you are absolutely going the wrong way? Were you able to stop in your tracks and correct course? Have you ever had a dream or a vision that changed your life, immediately, from what it was to something different? We all have the power to do this, God makes it so, through the power of the Holy Spirit. If you have ever had a dream that was so real you could smell the environment,…


Prayer and Fasting

Prayer and Fasting I have fasted in the past but for all the wrong reasons. We find Jesus, once again, using prayer and fasting to teach a lesson and, more importantly, to explain why the Apostles were unable to help another soul. It sounds like they were saying one thing and living something completely different. Their unbelief was showing all the while their words were proclaiming something else. Just a few days ago posted an entire service, #WordsMatter Pt. 1, dedicated to the power of words and the importance of…


Deeper In Faith

Deeper In Faith We see the Apostle Paul continually traveling around, on mission, to spread the Gospel all the while he has come to realize with each step he is moving closer to his own death. Is this part of living a full Gospel life? Are we to be so in tune with the Holy Spirit that each day we know a understand a little better when this life will transform from physical to spirit? I’ve heard it said we are spiritual beings having a human experience. If this is…


Knowledge of Your Own Death

Knowledge of Your Death How difficult would it be to know that your life is going to end in just a short period from today? How would you respond? What would your actions and, equally as important, your words for the people around you and for those seen and unseen? While I have not counted my days to the end that day is coming. What I do, and say, matters right now. Each person we come in contact makes a difference, we impact them and they impact us. What picture…