Model Prayer…

Model Prayer… When do we get saved? When does our life, in Christ, become our life in Christ? At what moment does that happen? The great Missionary, Disciple, Saint Paul, was transformed right before our eyes. In six short versus we see Saul transformed into Paul. When Saul ask Jesus Christ, “What do you want me to do?” Saul was no more and Paul emerged. It would take a mere three days of fasting, absolute trust in the Lord and prayer for the transformation to be complete. Why can’t we…


Where Is…

Where Is… As we move through our day and our life what exactly are we doing? What does a day in the life look like? Where is fellowship, where is service to others, where is kindness shown, who do we care about and show them that we care? We can proclaim from the rooftops that we are godly, followers of Christ but what does that look like when we are riding down the road? What does that look like when we are standing in line at the grocery store or…


The Word and The Light…

The Word and The Light… One of the main differences between God, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and any and all other gods is followers of Jesus Christ listen to Him speak. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is God, speaks to anyone that believes in Him. No, not something that a person “thinks” they hear or the wind blowing or another speaking – all of these God does speak through – but primarily we hear from God in the written Word. When a person sits down to read…


He Can Speak Clearly Enough…

He Can Speak Clearly Enough… When we confess our sinful ways before another human being in the presence of Jesus Christ we are clearing space for God to enter our lives. Every person that has ever been, that currently is and all future beings have the ability to worship. God, in His infinite wisdom, built into our being a space for worship. God also left it up to us what to put in this space. In other words, we can place God in our worship space or we can place…


Imitators Who Inherit the Promises…

Imitators Who Inherit the Promises… Prayer, as is often said, is one of the greatest tools that our Father God has provided us for our lives. It is a direct connection, not only with Him, but with anyone who needs to hear from us. We can speak throug the Holy Spirit and our messages, our thoughts and the Strength of Almighty God Himself, can be sent via prayer. The Holy Bible says this tool is available to us, why wouldn’t we believe it and use it often? As our days…


Becoming Alive In The Spirit…

Becoming Alive In The Spirit… Walking in the flesh is death. It’s amazing how true those words ring when reviewing past situations where we found ourselves hating more than loving, doing the things we know are wrong rather than doing the things we know are right or looking upon someone with ill-intent in our heart rather than seeing them as a daughter or son of God. When we are walking in the Spirit of God, when Jesus Christ is, in fact, going before us, our lives are in a far…


It All Changes With Prayer…

It All Changes With Prayer… Being a Prayer Warrior is more of a challenge than was originally understood. Beginning on September 9th we have been praying, daily, for a dear friend and his family. We have written each of these prayers and the following day they have been published. If you’ve never prayed over someone, for an extended period of time, it is an exercise that every follower of Jesus Christ should do. Now that the barn door has been opened, there will be no closing; there will never again…


Zeal of Thine House…

Zeal of Thine House… When followers of Jesus Christ obey immoral laws are they obeying the laws of Cesar [man] or should they ignore these immoral laws and continue to follow the laws, the Living Word of Jesus Christ? This is not a trick question To have my heart open…to know You. To have my eyes open…to see You. ~Pat Barrett, Housefires If we obey immoral laws of man and ignore the teachings of Jesus Christ this is not going to end well for us. We are not going to…


Walking In Inspiration…

Walking In Inspiration… How is it that we are inspired? Should we expect to always be walking in inspiration? Inspire is a derivative of “Spirit” – to be in Spirit. How does it happen the Holy Spirit moves in us, around us and brings us Comfort and Counsel. When we feel as though we are not inspired, does this mean we have turned our back to the Holy Spirit, has the Spirit “taken a vacation” or is something else happening? Is it a separation in our heart that makes us…


Wash Us Clean…

Wash Us Clean… We raise our voice in victory. We cry out to our Father God by the name of Jesus Christ that fills us with the Holy Spirit. Father God, we are your bondservant, teach us, give us eyes to see and a heart for Your sons and daughters. Then He poured water into the basin, and began to wash the disciples’ feet and to wipe them with the towel with which He was girded. So He came to Simon Peter. He said to Him, “Lord, do You wash…