A.A.’s Eleventh Step Prayer and Meditation

A.A.’s Eleventh Step Prayer and Meditation by Dick B via Silkworth GNN Note – If you want to know the history of the 12 Steps, true recovery from addictive behavior of any kind and the origins of how a very small group of Godly men brought a simple way to introduce the world to Jesus Christ, the library of Dick B, the many books he has written is a wellspring of valuable information. Highly, highly recommend. / END The Opportunity to Communicate with our Creator and Know His Will God…



FOUNDATION OF THE WASHINGTONIANS SOCIETY from Silkworth.net GNN Note – When I first got sober and began reading the history of AA this is where I stopped in the timeline – 1840. AA has a very, very long history that most people don’t know nor care about. / END The 5th of April, 1840, was an eventful day. Influences were set at work then, which have been developing and extending ever since, and which promise to accomplish much for the good of mankind. On the evening of that day, half…