Crystal Meth Addict interview-Zan Video by Soft White Underbelly
READ MORECategory: The Recovered Word

The Four Ps of Blessing Others (Video)
The Four Ps of Blessing Others Video by Focus On The Family What is the importance of blessing other people? In this Broadcast Insider video, Becky Kopitzke shares The Four P’s of Blessing and four practical ways to bless someone.
READ MORERebellion or Submission (Video)
Rebellion or Submission Video
READ MOREAs A Man Thinketh
As A Man Thinketh By James Allen via GNN Note – My life verse is from the Letter to the Romans that Paul wrote… And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ~ Romans 12:2 KJB / END Mind is the Master-power that molds and makes, And Man is Mind, and evermore he takes The tool of Thought, and, shaping what he wills Brings forth a thousand joys,…
READ MOREFentanyl: The Drug Epidemic Destroying Lives (Video)
Fentanyl: The Drug Epidemic Destroying Lives Video by Into The Shadows
READ MOREI Used To Be Afraid of Sobriety (Video)
I Used To Be Afraid of Sobriety Video Chris tried every drug known to man aspiring to be like his hero, Hunter S. Thompson. He found that drugs were his only way of functioning from day to day. He would get clean and then go right back to where he started. A near death experience put his life into perspective to finding long term sobriety.
READ MOREBob D. – “Having an unmanagable life, Steps 2 and 3” (Video)
Bob D. – “Having an unmanagable life, Steps 2 and 3” Video from Odomtology
READ MOREThe new face of fentanyl addiction: Kati’s story (Video)
The new face of fentanyl addiction: Kati’s story Video
READ MOREJoe Rogan and Anthony Kiedis on The SECRET On OVERCOMING DRUG ADDICTION… (Video)
Joe Rogan and Anthony Kiedis on The SECRET On OVERCOMING DRUG ADDICTION… Video Red Hot Chili Peppers – lead singer, frontman.
READ MOREThe Opportunity to Communicate with our Creator and Know His Will
The Opportunity to Communicate with our Creator and Know His Will by Dick B via Silkworth GNN Note – If you want to know the history of the 12 Steps, true recovery from addictive behavior of any kind and the origins of how a very small group of Godly men brought a simple way to introduce the world to Jesus Christ, the library of Dick B, the many books he has written is a wellspring of valuable information. Highly, highly recommend. / END Part 1 Click Here >>> And only…