Help From Sufferings Alcoholics…

Help From Sufferings Alcoholics… from Silkworth Part 1 >>> Elrick B. Davis for The Cleveland Plain Dealer Cured The basic point about Alcoholics Anonymous is that it is a fellowship of “cured” alcoholics. And that both old-line medicine and modern psychiatry had agreed on the one point that no alcoholic could be cured. Repeat the astounding fact: These are cured. They have cured each other. They have done it by adopting, with each other’s aid, what they call “a spiritual way of life.” “Incurable” alcoholism is not a moral vice.…


Alcoholics Anonymous Makes Its Stand Here

Alcoholics Anonymous Makes Its Stand Here from Reprinted from the October 21, 1939, Cleveland Plain Dealer with permission. Alcoholics Anonymous Makes Its Stand Here By ELRICK B. DAVIS Much has been written about Alcoholics Anonymous, an organization doing major work in reclaiming the habitual drinker. This is the first of a series describing the work the group is doing in Cleveland. Success By now it is a rare Clevelander who does not know, or know of, at least one man or woman of high talent whose drinking had become…


The Allergy of the Body and the Obession of the Mind

The Allergy of the Body and the Obession of the Mind And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. ~ Romans 12:2 KJB Allergy of the Body Medical Science has found that there is sound reasoning in the “Doctor’s Opinion” (Alcoholics Anonymous pg xxv-xxxvii). They have been able to determine that the “physical powerlessness or allergy” is the result of a dysfunctional liver and pancreas. These…


How To Identify Triggers In Recovery From Addiction (Video)

How To Identify Triggers In Recovery From Addiction Video I discuss the importance of knowing our triggers and the external and internal triggers that we face. Knowing our own triggers externally and internally will aid the addict in staying drug free and possibly aid in relapse prevention. Triggers we all have them and we all should know what they are in our own personal life.


AA and Jesus

AA and Jesus By Mel B. via Silkworth How Ancient Spiritual Teachings are Linked to the Inspirational Program of Alcoholics Anonymous On my way to a favorite bar, I sometimes passed a church sign whose blazing neon letters proclaimed: “JESUS SAVES.” The message annoyed me because I thought it was in poor taste and tended to intrude on my privacy. I resented the zeal of those who would erect such a sign. I agreed that the world needed saving, but it would be saved by tolerant, broadminded people like myself,…