The Skid Row Derelict

The Skid Row Derelict by Mrs. Marty Mann, Executive Director, National Council on Alcoholism, New York via Silkworth Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Remember, they were brought up the same way; they were also brought up under the myths and misconceptions and misapprehensions that we all had about alcoholism a quarter of a century ago. This is perhaps one reason why it is becoming easier to reach young people. They didn’t grow up in that same atmosphere. Things had already begun to change somewhat. The Skid Row Derelict For…


Why Fentanyl Is So Incredibly Dangerous (Video)

Why Fentanyl Is So Incredibly Dangerous Video from Institute of Human Anatomy 00:00 – 01:25 Intro 01:26 – 01:36 Resources for Help 01:37 – 02:12 Opiates vs Opioids 02:13 – 03:02 Endogenous vs Exogenous Opioids 03:03 – 06:27 The Pain Pathway 06:28 – 07:34 The Synapse 07:35 – 11:13 Opioid Receptors 11:14 – 12:27 Fentanyl 12:28 – 14:00 Overdose 14:01 – 15:03 Withdrawal 15:04 – 16:35 Justin’s Perspective 16:36 – 19:45 Understanding Your Surroundings


Actor Russell Brand, Who Has Spoken Out Against Porn, Marks Major Milestone in Sobriety From Alcohol, Drugs

Actor Russell Brand, Who Has Spoken Out Against Porn, Marks Major Milestone in Sobriety From Alcohol, Drugs By Tré Goins-Phillips for Faith Wire English actor and comedian Russell Brand is celebrating the 20-year anniversary of his sobriety, crediting those who have supported him for his success. “I’m 20 years clean and sober today,” Brand said in an Instagram post published Tuesday. “It’s December the 13th. So, firstly, I wanted to express my gratitude for all the people who have helped me to remain clean and sober. It is never done on your…


Younger People in Addiction

Younger People in Addiction by Mrs. Marty Mann, Executive Director, National Council on Alcoholism, New York via Silkworth Part 2 Click Here >>> Younger People in AA I firmly believe that with the increasing education about alcoholism, increasing understanding of it, increasing acceptance of it as the illness it is, people are coming for help at earlier and earlier stages of their problems. It is not unusual to go to an AA meeting, particularly in a big city, and find everybody there looking to me like infants. Now, I recognize…