Are you trying carrying the message?

Are you trying carrying the message? from Big Book Sponsorship GNN Note – As we have said for years…when one kicks Jesus Christ to the curb, bad things tend to happen. If you attend an AA meeting, in a church, and people tell you not to use the name of Jesus Christ – IN HIS HOUSE – that’s going to turn people away. Jesus wants us all to be in His fold. The ministry of Jesus Christ is specifically for the broken, for the “lepers” of society, for the ones…


The Books and Materials Early AAs Read

The Books and Materials Early AAs Read by Dick B via Silkworth GNN Note – In order to truly understand how the 12 Steps work, how they will change your life and what a new life is like without addiction, one must look at what was happening BEFORE the book Alcoholics Anonymous was written. The authors of Alcoholics Anonymous DID NOT use the 12 Steps to change their lives. They used a wide variety of materials with the Holy Bible being the center piece, Chief Cornerstone of all the early…