CNN’s Stelter: Hunter Biden ‘Not Just a Right-Wing Media Story’ — ‘A Real Problem’ for Joe Biden in 2024

CNN’s Stelter: Hunter Biden ‘Not Just a Right-Wing Media Story’ — ‘A Real Problem’ for Joe Biden in 2024 by Pam Key for Breitbart GNN Note – What a turn around for CNN. The democrats are about to be wiped off the map and everyone, except those in office, can see it. Anyone with a pulse, or that lives outside the bubble of Washington DC, already knows what’s coming. I don’t think even the voting machines will be able to save them like they did in 2020 when the vote was…


Will Truth Be Criminalized?

Will Truth Be Criminalized? Paul Craig Roberts The Establishment’s determination to close down narrative-challenger Alex Jones has put Sandy Hook back in the news. As First Amendment protection is fading, I checked to see what I had written about Sandy Hook. I was relieved to see that I had only reported on the skepticism and asked questions. My search of the IPE archives brought up my articles on other controversial shootings–Las Vegas and Orlando–and the Oklahoma City Bombing. The common thread in all of these incidents is that the narrative…


Preparing For The Real Threat: The Ascendance of Globalism

Preparing For The Real Threat: The Ascendance of Globalism by Brian Wilson for The Blue State Conservative Hat Tip / The Burning Platform The Boy Scouts may have fallen on difficult times over the last few decades as PC became dogma and Woke waves swept over the country. Scandal-hungry media and several adult troop leaders sporting their Bad Apple merit badges put the indelible stain of the psychologically bent on the admirable qualities of legendary Boy Scout training activities. The motto “Be Prepared” remains above all that. Over the years, “Be Prepared”…


A Cycle Has Changed Inside Russia

A Cycle Has Changed Inside Russia by Martin Armstrong for Armstrong Economics To my total shock, I know a family that fled Poland to flee from Russia and went to Canada. They then fled Canada because of all the insanity of Trudeau and refused to return. Since their visa for America is expiring, they said to me that they may now go to Russia. I was completely stunned. They said Western culture is pushing them to return from pronouns to canceling anyone who has ever said anything, even 25 years…