Kids in the Crosshairs — Woke but Worse Off

Kids in the Crosshairs — Woke but Worse Off By SHANE IDLEMAN via The Stream I recently attended an event for pastors sponsored by Turning Point USA Faith. One of the speakers made an incredible statement. He said that we can no longer remain silent while the Bride of Christ is being raped. Does that statement jar you? It should! The level of decadence and deception in our nation demands a strong rebuke: “I have written more boldly to you on some points.” (Romans 15:15) To be raped is to be…


How Jared Kushner and John Kelly Subverted Trump’s Agenda

How Jared Kushner and John Kelly Subverted Trump’s Agenda By Peter Navarro for American Greatness GNN Note – We have never, ever respected Jared Kushner and if you read articles published on this website you will find the name Jared Kushner associated with the End Times Abraham Accords that are tied directly to Chrislam. He is a snake in the garden. / END There were two types of people in the Trump Administration: Those who thought they had to save the world from the president and those who thought the president…


Bill Maher departs from leftist orthodoxy in shockingly honest characterization of pro-lifers

Bill Maher departs from leftist orthodoxy in shockingly honest characterization of pro-lifers by JonathonVanMaren for Life Site News ‘What I’m saying is you shouldn’t say to the other side, ‘You people hate women.’ They don’t hate women. They just think it’s murder.’ HBO Real Time host Bill Maher is an aggressive atheist, a long-time liberal, and a social progressive who has been pro-abortion and pro-LGBT for his entire career. Despite that, he is increasingly the most vocal of a handful of liberals who refuse to be swept along by the increasing…


NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE Of Police Response To Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Swatting Incident – “100% They Wanted Me To Be MURDERED – Death By Cop”

NEVER BEFORE SEEN FOOTAGE Of Police Response To Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Swatting Incident – “100% They Wanted Me To Be MURDERED – Death By Cop” By Jordan Conradson for The Gateway Pundit Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene joined Right Side Broadcasting Network’s Brian Glenn on Saturday evening to talk about the two swatting incidents that sent armed police to her home in the middle of the night, two nights in a row. Greene showed the AR-15 that she almost took to answer the door saying, “something inside me said don’t take that with…


Is Something Else Going On In Wuhan?

Is Something Else Going On In Wuhan? By Lloyd Billingsley for American Greatness More revelations of U.S. collaboration with China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Galveston National Laboratory (GNL), part of the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB), the Epoch Times reports, now concedes that officials signed “poorly drafted” agreements with three Chinese labs, including the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). The agreements gave China the power to destroy “secret files, materials, and equipment, without any backups.” The agreements applied to “all cooperation and exchange documents, data, details and materials,” were…


Should Red States Block Federal Agencies From Operating With Impunity? Blue States Do It

Should Red States Block Federal Agencies From Operating With Impunity? Blue States Do It from Alt-Market By Brandon Smith The concept of “sanctuary cities” has long been implemented within predominantly leftist states in America. It’s not anything new. Any operations by DHS and ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) within blue states to arrest and deport illegal immigrants are often met with aggressive resistance by Democrat run city governments. Keep in mind that foreign individuals have no right under the constitution to reside in the US without first gaining citizenship. Leftists…