The Establishment Is Trying to Divide and Conquer MAGA

The Establishment Is Trying to Divide and Conquer MAGA By J.B. Shurk for American Thinker There are videos making the rounds showing President Trump standing on stage in Miami’s pouring rain while imploring Americans to get out and vote.  The metaphor is striking.  There’s Trump, battling the elements, lively as ever, refusing to give up, insisting on finishing what he’s started.  Citizen Free Press appropriately notes that “President Trump is truly a force of nature.” I know that the months ahead will make for some spirited political debate among friends, but I encourage you to cement in your minds…


How Could John Fetterman Have Won? Every Possible Answer Is Bad in a Different Way.

How Could John Fetterman Have Won? Every Possible Answer Is Bad in a Different Way. BY ROBERT SPENCER for PJ Media It’s hardly even believable: the stuttering, sputtering John Fetterman, a stroke victim who only rarely manages to utter a complete sentence, coasted to victory in the Pennsylvania Senate race. Like Joe Biden, Fetterman is so clearly unfit for his new job that no sane person could possibly think otherwise; it boggles the mind to think that any Pennsylvania voter could have seen any of Fetterman’s incoherent ramblings over the last few…


Legal group warns abortion amendment could legalize incest, ‘sex changes’ for minors, and more in California

Legal group warns abortion amendment could legalize incest, ‘sex changes’ for minors, and more in California by AshleySadler for Life Site News ‘The language of the amendment is so broad, it could create constitutional rights to everything having to [do] with the creation, destruction, or prevention of new human lives,’ said California Right to Life outreach director Mary Rose Short. ‘This is not an exaggeration.’ The vague wording of California’s radical ballot proposal to enshrine abortion-on-demand as a “fundamental right” in the state constitution could also pave the way for a…


Democracy Wasn’t On the Ballot, Extremism Was

Democracy Wasn’t On the Ballot, Extremism Was by Michael Shellenberger – SubStack And it lost. Big time. Behold the wisdom of crowds. Democracy was on the ballot, argued Democrats in the run-up to yesterday’s elections. If voters elected Republican governors and a Republican majority in Congress, Democrats and media pundits warned, we could soon see the end of the American system of republican democracy. Those Republicans who denied the outcome of the 2020 election would use their position to help Donald Trump steal the 2024 election, tear up the Constitution, and…