Tucker: Democrats, Media and Anti-Whiteness Are A Dangerous Combination (Videos)

Tucker: Democrats, Media and Anti-Whiteness Are A Dangerous Combination Videos GNN Note – I love Jason Whitlock when he appears on Tucker Carlson. He always, always, always tie our collapsing society, and country, back to our turning away from God, Jesus christ and the Holy Spirit. He does not disappoint in the segment tonight – it is awesome!! / END Opening Full


Western Civilization Is Ceasing to Exist

Western Civilization Is Ceasing to Exist Paul Craig Roberts I often explain that we are losing civilization. The risks come from many sources.  Among them is the growing risk of nuclear war; the rising police state in which behavior protected by the Constitution is criminalized despite the Constitution; unity supplanted by a Tower of Babel; fomented race and gender hatreds that serve Identity Politics; soil destroyed by glyphosate with consequent reduction in the  food value of plants and meat and milk from animals fed GMO products; the corruption of science…


Report: Biden’s DOJ Believes There Is Enough Evidence to Bring Obstruction Charges Against Trump

Report: Biden’s DOJ Believes There Is Enough Evidence to Bring Obstruction Charges Against Trump By Cristina Laila for The Gateway Pundit GNN Note – “We got this time, again.” / END Corrupt Justice Department prosecutors believe they have enough evidence to bring obstruction charges against Trump. According to The Wall Street Journal, the Trump prosecutors have seen enough evidence to bring obstruction charges, “but the path to an actual indictment is far from clear.” Bloomberg reported: A group of Justice Department prosecutors believe there is sufficient evidence to charge Donald Trump…


The Tentacles of the Social Media Octopus

The Tentacles of the Social Media Octopus By Victor Davis Hanson for American Greatness The sharper wits of Silicon Valley know that if the public sees their products as toxic extensions of left-wing groupthink, the majority of Americans will shun them. shared theme in all dystopian explorations of future and current totalitarian regimes—whether China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, or Cuba—is government control of all media information, fueled by electronic surveillance. A skeptical public learns to say one thing publicly but quite another privately. It nervously nods yes at the news while…


Gold as Natural Money

Gold as Natural Money by James Turk via Mises “The Earth speaks to us through the elements of nature. In every natural thing, we can find a hidden, powerful message.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson Every natural element with which the earth has been endowed has a usefulness—a purpose. If we listen to gold, its message is loud and clear—gold is money. To serve as natural money is gold’s highest purpose. The advance of civilization demonstrates that nature throughout the ages, to our good fortune, has provided everything humanity needs to progress, including…