All This and World War Too

All This and World War Too by James Howard Kunstler …perhaps, you can see how the dangerous mischief of RussiaGate, Hillary Clinton’s spoofish punkery that Russia “interfered” in the 2016 election, mutated into a foreign policy psychosis…. For three decades, since the old Soviet Union ended in a whimper, reincarnated Russia asked “the West” for very little, almost nothing, really, certainly not the kind of “aid” that the USA used like a fungo-bat to beat lesser states around the world into hegemonic submission. All Russia asked, after seventy-five years of…


It’s Going to Get Very Ugly in the Aftermath of Roe

It’s Going to Get Very Ugly in the Aftermath of Roe by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown You don’t need to be a rocket scientist or a prophet to know that, in the aftermath of Roe v. Wade, it’s going to get very ugly on the streets of America. As I tweeted, “The overturning of Roe v. Wade is revealing the real spirit behind abortion. It is murderous, violent, angry, and full of venom and hate. The attacks on churches and pro-life clinics are par for the course. Abortion…


President Trump reacts to Biden bike fall, what “really caused inflation” and could “start a World War” (Video)

President Trump reacts to Biden bike fall, what “really caused inflation” and could “start a World War” (Video) by Eric Bolling / NewsMax On Newsmax’s Eric Bolling The Balance, 45th President of the United States Donald Trump calls in to discuss various crises and disasters in America caused by the Joe Biden administration’s policies.


Why Democrats Want to Get Rid of the Suburbs

Why Democrats Want to Get Rid of the Suburbs By Linda R. Killian for American Thinker The war on America’s suburbs has opened a new front.  Buried in President Biden’s proposed budget for 2023 is a $10-billion bribe for suburban communities to remove zoning barriers to high-density housing.  The federal government promises the suburbs funding for street improvements, traffic control, and water and sewer lines if they adopt “housing-forward policies” that eliminate single-family zoning and open their communities to “affordable housing.” This is no benign endeavor to provide more housing.  It is a strong…


‘I’m a Very Catholic Person’: See How House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Reacted After Being Pressed on Pro-Life Clinic Attacks

‘I’m a Very Catholic Person’: See How House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Reacted After Being Pressed on Pro-Life Clinic Attacks By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire GNN Note – If you support abortion you are not a follower of Jesus Christ, you can not claim to believe in the Virgin Mary or anything to do with that which is Holy and belongs to God. / END House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) called herself a “very Catholic person” and defended abortion after being pressed about recent attacks on churches and crisis pregnancy centers.…


Atheists Demand Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Retract ‘Fallacious Smear of Nonreligious’

Atheists Demand Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Retract ‘Fallacious Smear of Nonreligious’ By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire Atheist activists are accusing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) of issuing a “fallacious smear of nonreligious” residents and are imploring him to apologize to nontheists. The Freedom From Religion Foundation, an atheist activist group based in Madison, Wisconsin, said DeSantis implied during a June 9 press conference in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, that people without a “‘religious foundation’ are prone to criminal violence.” “DeSantis made these insulting and baseless statements at a press conference…