JUST PADDLING WHILE THE EMPIRE BURNS by Jim Quinn for The Burning Platform The phrase “fiddling while Rome burns” is an intriguing idiom, referencing the great fire which ravaged Rome for six days in 64 A.D. and the legend that Nero, one of the most sadistic, decadent, and cruel rulers of all-time, instead of taking action to stop the fire, played his lyre while composing a song about Rome’s destruction. The Roman historian Tacitus wrote that Nero was rumored to have sung about the destruction of Rome while watching the…


“I Am Really Disappointed in FOX, I Thought You Were Better Than CNN!” – BOOM! Kari Lake INCINERATES Bret Baier and FOX News for Pushing FAKE STORY on AZ Drag Queen (VIDEO)

“I Am Really Disappointed in FOX, I Thought You Were Better Than CNN!” – BOOM! Kari Lake INCINERATES Bret Baier and FOX News for Pushing FAKE STORY on AZ Drag Queen (VIDEO) By Jim Hoft  for The Gateway Pundit GNN Note – For the record, I don’t watch Fox News, I watch Tucker Carlson – and watching less and less as the days go by – and I watch Jesse Waters on occasion. / END Last week The Gateway Pundit’s Jordan Conradson reported that Arizona gubernatorial candidate announced a defamation…


The Time of Our Time

The Time of Our Time by James Howard Kunstler We have not been so ripe for regime change since 1776. A ruling Party of Chaos is doing absolutely everything to disorder our lives and there really is no generous interpretation for its motives Let’s face it: most people will not read Justice Alito’s carefully crafted arguments about what the constitution says or doesn’t say about abortion, or the meaning of “ordered liberty” through our history. We do not live in history. We live in the time of our time. And,…


Texas GOP pushing for referendum to secede from the “United” States of America in 2023

Texas GOP pushing for referendum to secede from the “United” States of America in 2023 by: JD Heyes  for Natural News Representatives to the Texas Republican Convention this week went full-on into a push for secession from Joe Biden’s increasingly politicized, authoritarian America. Under a section titled “State Sovereignty,” the convention-goers adopted a platform plank that states: “Pursuant to Article 1, Section 1, of the Texas Constitution, the federal government has impaired our right of local self-government. Therefore, federally mandated legislation that infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas…