Are We Looking At Another Civil War?

Are We Looking At Another Civil War? by Kurt Schlichter for Town Hall Consider the logic of the left and it’s no wonder that many people are considering the unspeakable – whether America will devolve into actual violent conflict. But I dare speak about it at length in my brand-new book We’ll Be Back: The Fall and Rise of America, which confronts this issue of systematic political violence head-on. The most important question related to the long decline of America at the hands of a corrupt, incompetent, and terminally foolish ruling…


It’s Not Working

It’s Not Working by James Howard Kunstler …if you’re reading this personal lamentation, consider bending toward simplicity…. This summer’s weather is perfect now in the Hudson Valley: warm, sunny days for primping the garden and cool nights that invite deep sleep. Zucchini and cukes are coming on, along with currants, gooseberries, blueberries. Unseen underground, the potatoes swell. The chickens range happily over their daily smorgasbord of bugs. At midnight, fireflies blink in the orchard. On the human side, though — commerce, culture, and politics — nothing works. At least not…


Church of England Won’t Give a Definition of a ‘Woman’, Blames ‘Complexities’ of Gender Identity

Church of England Won’t Give a Definition of a ‘Woman’, Blames ‘Complexities’ of Gender Identity by Steve Warren for CBN News GNN Note – What is a woman? There is no clearer “war on women” than the “trans” movement and, now, the Church of England carrying water for these sexual deviants is beyond belief. / END The Church of England has now gone on record saying it has “no official definition” of a woman. The Telegraph reports the issue of defining what a woman is came up when Adam Kendry, a…


Is Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ The Next Item SCOTUS Will Overturn?

Is Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ The Next Item SCOTUS Will Overturn? by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown Before the Court’s official decision to overturn Roe v Wade was released, President Biden was already warning that same-sex “marriage” would be next. As he said in May, “It’s not just the brutality of taking away a woman’s right to her body … but it also, if you read the opinion … basically says there’s no such thing as the right to privacy. If that holds … mark my words: They are going to…


“That’s Not Happening and It’s Good That It Is”

“That’s Not Happening and It’s Good That It Is” by Michael Anton for American Minds A quick and dirty guide to regime propaganda Gaslighting getting you down? Feel like the regime has dialed the Megaphone up to, and past, eleven? You’re not crazy. It’s definitely happening and likely to get worse as our masters’ ability to cope with reality further worsens—or worse, they gain the complete and absolute control they seek. They’re both scornful and terrified of dissent, which explains why they incessantly shriek at us and lie to our faces.…