GODLESS PARTY: Joe Biden and Democrats Spend Millions in Unconstitutional Program to Push Atheism in Foreign Countries

GODLESS PARTY: Joe Biden and Democrats Spend Millions in Unconstitutional Program to Push Atheism in Foreign Countries By Jim Hoft  for The Gateway Pundit Your tax dollars at work! The Joe Biden regime is spending millions in taxpayerdollars to spread atheism overseas. This program that favors atheism over Christianity or other belief systems is unconstitutional. The United States was built on Judeo-Christian principles. Democrats are moving at warp speed to erase that important piece of our American history. Insanity! Just the News reports that Biden is giving $500,000 grants to…


I Have Voted Republican for Many Years, But I Do Not Put My Trust in a Political Party

I Have Voted Republican for Many Years, But I Do Not Put My Trust in a Political Party by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown Because the Republican platforms over the years have been much closer to my values than the Democratic platforms, I have voted Republican for as long as I can remember. But when it comes to bringing about moral and cultural change in America, I do not look to a political party. Not a chance. There is moral compromise in both major parties, and the battle we…