Is it Harmful to Not Affirm Someone’s Chosen Identity? (Video)

Is it Harmful to Not Affirm Someone’s Chosen Identity? Video by Melissa Dougherty Otherkin, gender fluid, Trans-species, transgender… and everything in between. A question that people have asked me about this is… so what? Who is this hurting? People just live their lives and are just doing what makes them happy. Why do I care to speak out against something like this when people are just living their truth? And I have to say that this is a fair question. If we hear enough lies, then we no longer recognize…


IS ‘X’ A SIN? (Video)

IS ‘X’ A SIN? Video by Jesus Christ the Solid Rock “Is this a sin?” It may be a reasonable enough question. After all, most of us don’t WANT to sin. So why shouldn’t we make a list of all the things we shouldn’t do if we want to be right with God? In this video, we look at how this approach to sin is not only unhelpful, but actually harmful for us spiritually. If we let go of the long list of religious do’s and don’ts, and focus instead…