Yes… God’s Promises Have Conditions (Video)

Yes… God’s Promises Have Conditions Video by A Voice In The Desert IF… you don’t hear that word in sermons about the promises of God, do you? They all focus on “unconditional love”, God “never forsaking us”, and other such half-promises which tickle our ears and blind us from the all-important conditions which determine whether we will receive the wonderful things that God wants to give us. This video looks at several examples of some of the most cherished promises of God, and it shows you plainly and clearly what…


Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering and Evil? (Video)

Why Does God Allow So Much Suffering and Evil? Video by Pastor, John MacArthur One of the most pressing challenges to Christianity is the problem of evil. Unbelievers are quick to ask how Christians can believe in the existence of a good God in the face of so much evil. In this session, Dr. John MacArthur will examine what Scripture teaches regarding evil and suffering and why it exists in the world.