This Will Change Your Mind on the Age of the Earth (Video)

This Will Change Your Mind on the Age of the Earth Video from Answers In Genesis Can we definitively know the age of the earth from the Bible? While we can’t pinpoint it down to the exact day or year, we can get a surprisingly accurate estimate of the age of the earth if we study the Scriptures properly—and it’s not millions or billions of years old. In this video, we answer these questions and more: What is the age of the earth according to the Bible? Does “day” really…


Simple Habits to Embrace in Your Marriage – Dr. Randy Schroeder (Video)

Simple Habits to Embrace in Your Marriage – Dr. Randy Schroeder Video from Focus on the Family Like the way each brick contributes to the foundation of a house, healthy habits sustain a strong marriage. While it’s good for couples to travel on weekend getaways or take a long vacation, true change occurs when spouses embrace those seemingly small moments for connection. In this interview, Dr. Randy Schroeder describes practical habits to help couples navigate expectations in marriage, build emotional closeness, and resolve disagreements. Whether struggling through a difficult season…


Hell: Unfair and Barbaric or Just and Deserved? (Video)

Hell: Unfair and Barbaric or Just and Deserved? Video by Melissa Dougherty What’s up with the doctrine of Hell? Many Christians struggle with this concept. Jesus clearly talks about it, and it seems to be a logical end if God is Just. But even then, many people still have questions about it. When I was in the New Age, I believed that pretty much everyone would eventually make it to heaven. I interviewed Clay Jones about annihilationism, universalism, how Hell makes sense with a loving God, and much more. Clay…