Why Secular Schools Are More Dangerous than You Think (Video)

Why Secular Schools Are More Dangerous than You Think Video by Answers In Genesis Unfortunately, most schools are becoming more and more anti-Christian. In this video, Bryan Osborne talks with Dr. Matt Davis from Maranatha Baptist University about three points of Biblical education and why secular schools are so dangerous. “Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus” (Colossians 1:28 KJV).


Atheists Just Accused Answers in Genesis of Something BIG (Video)

Atheists Just Accused Answers in Genesis of Something BIG Video by Living Waters Atheists have recently accused Answers in Genesis—a wonderful, gospel-centered apologetics ministry—of a very serious crime. Ray Comfort talks about the situation more in depth, explains how the accusations are unfounded, and then uses the topic as a unique way to share the gospel with people on the streets.


Why the Nativity? – Full Film – Must See

Why the Nativity? – Full Film – Must See | Dr. David Jeremiah Every year, millions of people around the globe celebrate Christmas. But what does it all mean? Do we really understand the profound importance and authenticity of the birth of Jesus? Why the virgin Mary? Why a carpenter named Joseph? Why poor shepherds and wealthy kings clamoring to worship a Newborn King? And why are the Old Testament prophecies that predicted the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem so important to the Christmas story? Drawing from both the Old…