Listen Up! Practical Help for Lousy Listeners by Deepak Reju for The Gospel Coalition Are you a bad listener? What would your spouse or best friend or children say about you? People tend to think much more highly of themselves than they actually deserve. So what would you say: Are you a good or bad listener? There are several practices and traits that can derail good listening. Impatience leads to shoddy listening. An impatient listener is not able to appreciate or be fully engaged in her present circumstances. She is not willing…
READ MORECategory: Revival
The Spirituality of Talking About Yourself
The Spirituality of Talking About Yourself by Andrew Le Peau for The Gospel Coalition GNN Note – Testimony, in my opinion, is one of the most powerful tools we have to draw people to Christ. Sharing our journey, as is done on this website everyday through the Daily Devotional, helps others to see how Jesus uses our brokenness and darkness to shine the Light of His love into others hearts. It’s important that we know how to share our story so that it’s not just a way of feeding our…
READ MOREGod Is Calling You to a Deeper Place
God Is Calling You to a Deeper Place by J. LEE GRADY for Charisma News Of all the places I visited in Israel last year, my favorite was Jacob’s well—the spot where Jesus ministered to the Samaritan woman. The authenticity of many sites in the Holy Land are disputed, but nobody has any question about this famous well, which is located in the modern city of Nablus in the West Bank. Now housed inside a Greek Orthodox church, the well is carved into solid rock. Visitors are allowed to lower…
READ MOREModeling Our Patriotism After God’s Own Heart, and a Lesson From C.S. Lewis
Modeling Our Patriotism After God’s Own Heart, and a Lesson From C.S. Lewis By Tré Goins-Phillips for Faith Wire It’s a uniquely American experience to see city street corners punctuated by little white churches and roads peppered with flags and bunting, serving as red, white, and blue reminders of where we’ve been and where we’re going. But for some, that harmony — or disharmony — between faith and flag is an imperfect union. Though many well-intentioned Christians might find the fairly odd couple, well, fairly odd, author and armchair theologian C.S.…
YOU ARE FIGHTING IN THE MOST IMPORTANT BATTLE OF ALL TIME by Caitlin Johnstone GNN Note – “They” are coming for our cross, our God and our soul. If you are reading this, it’s most likely the result of a series of events in your life which have drawn your interest and attention to the fact that our world is quite a bit different from what we’ve been told by our school teachers, by the news media, by Hollywood, and by politicians. At some point, for whatever reason, you’ve come…
READ MOREThis Spirit-Led Prayer Will Help You Break the Chains of Your Past
This Spirit-Led Prayer Will Help You Break the Chains of Your Past by LINDA EVANS SHEPHERD for Charisma News I was once told not to drag my past into my future. But, wait, isn’t my past part of who I am today? And while there are plenty of things from my past I wouldn’t care to repeat, including hard times and heartaches, there were also wonderful times and even joy. Yet I can see there are emotional weights I should stop dragging around, including worries, problems, burdens, failure, regrets, shame,…
READ MOREHealings, Jesus Encounters and More: Prepare for the 2020 Evangelism Explosion
Healings, Jesus Encounters and More: Prepare for the 2020 Evangelism Explosion by LEILANI HAYWOOD for Charisma News Pentecostal Christians around the country are gearing up for an international evangelism explosion next year through GO 2020, a special edition of Global Outreach Day. “From the East Coast to the West Coast, Assemblies of God is excited about GO 2020,” said Joe Oden, Assemblies of God National Coordinator for GO2020 and liaison for the Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA). PCCNA represents 40 million Christians in the U.S., Canada and Mexico.…
READ MOREJesus Gave Me What Boozing and Brawling Couldn’t
Jesus Gave Me What Boozing and Brawling Couldn’t by ALLEN LANGHAM for Christianity Today My journey from the criminal underworld to the foot of the cross. Six years ago—lost, broken, alone, and suicidal—I was the empty shell of a once-promising rugby player, shuffling around an exercise yard in a London prison. I was a man of extreme violence who had done seven stretches behind bars. One morning around that time, I watched a flock of birds take off from a ledge outside my cell. Right then, I knew God was…
READ MOREStop Blaming the Wrong People for Our Culture’s Wickedness
Stop Blaming the Wrong People for Our Culture’s Wickedness by JOE MCKEEVER for Charisma News GNN Note – Maybe the hardest lesson I am currently working through. ****** “How often I would have gathered your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you would not!” (Matt. 23:37). You were unwilling. I would, but you would not, God says. As a result, Jerusalem was reaping what she had sown. Getting the consequences of her neglect. The resources of heaven are standing by; we neglect this to…
READ MOREYes, the Doomsday Predictions Feel Real, But …
Yes, the Doomsday Predictions Feel Real, But … by DOUG STRINGER for Charisma News God has not forgotten you! He is standing over His Word, ready to bring it to pass in your life. Even when your present circumstances look bleak, God’s thoughts toward you are of good and not evil, to give you a future and a hope (Jeremiah 29:11). Near the end of 2011, many analysts started making predictions for the coming season. Most of the predictions had a doomsday feel to them, both on the national and…