Prophecy: The Spirit of Delusion on America Will Come Crashing Down

Prophecy: The Spirit of Delusion on America Will Come Crashing Down by Jared Laskey for Charisma News A lot has transpired in the last few weeks in America. With the reversal of Roe vs. Wade and the decisions on abortion reverting back to the states, many have mistaken abortion as a Constitutional right. The Supreme Court’s ruling is a sign that God is breaking through no matter what! More landmark decisions are continuing from the Supreme Court that will anger political and spiritual powers, but they are righteous decrees. Christians should continue…


‘God, What Have I Done?’: Man Suing Health Care Provider Over Trans Surgery, Says ‘Avalanche’ of De-Transitioners Coming

‘God, What Have I Done?’: Man Suing Health Care Provider Over Trans Surgery, Says ‘Avalanche’ of De-Transitioners Coming by Tré Goins-Phillips, Faithwire A British man is planning to sue the United Kingdom’s National Health Service for granting him transgender, body-altering surgery without — in his view — considering his mental illness. As the anesthesia from his 2018 surgery wore off, the now-35-year-old Ritchie Herron recalled immediately thinking, “Oh, God, what have I done?” He opened up about the procedure — which removed his penis and testicles — in a vulnerable interview with the…


4 Biblical Ways to Handle the Insanity in our Country

4 Biblical Ways to Handle the Insanity in our Country by Shane Idleman Editorial note: None of these points are new. You can read more about each one in past articles at my website. With severe governmental restraints, “woke” corporations influencing children, prices skyrocketing, and leaders who can’t define the word “woman,” we can easily become discouraged as “the wicked freely parade and prance about while evil is praised throughout the land” (Psalm 12:8). Many are being crushed by the external pressures of life because their strength on the inside…


Why is it so important that Jesus rose from the dead?

Why is it so important that Jesus rose from the dead? from Compelling Truth The meaning of our salvation is hinged on Christ rising from the dead (1 Corinthians 15:3–4, 14)! Christianity could not exist if Jesus never conquered death, and His resurrection separates Him from any other religious leader. Jesus prophesied His own death and resurrection, and then He sealed His promises by accomplishing those two things. Christ rising from death is just as important to the Christian faith as the virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18, 25; Luke…


Forgiveness: Very simple or highly complex

Forgiveness: Very simple or highly complex By Bill Adams for The Christian Post Many have heard of “The Nazi Hunter,” Simon Wiesenthal. He’s famous for tracking down Nazi perpetrators of the Holocaust and bringing them to justice. Fewer know of Wiesenthal’s wrestling with the conundrum of justice versus… Forgiveness. The beginnings of his inner struggle are documented in his 1969 book The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness. The author tells of when he was a Polish-Jewish concentration camp prisoner, assigned as an orderly, disposing of medical and human…


‘Roe’ May Be Dead, But Jezebel Is Still Alive and Well

‘Roe’ May Be Dead, But Jezebel Is Still Alive and Well by MAT STAVER/LIBERTY COUNSEL for Charisma News Note: With last week’s Supreme Court decision,the battle has intensified in Congress and the states. The abortion terrorists are threatening Liberty Counsel and other pro-life organizations. Ruth Sent Us published the home addresses of six Supreme Court justices. Jane’s Revenge, a coalition of abortion groups, has firebombed and damaged pro-life centers. On June 15, this coalition published its manifesto stating that the attacks will increase and that they “find joy” in such destruction.…


Abp. Viganò: Roe decision is a ‘historic opportunity’ to defend the ‘sanctity of human life’

Abp. Viganò: Roe decision is a ‘historic opportunity’ to defend the ‘sanctity of human life’ by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò for Life Site News There cannot be justice anywhere the right to abortion is recognized, there cannot be peace and prosperity in a society that massacres its own children. Life is WINNING. Will you donate today to support LifeSite’s coverage of this momentous decision in the pro-life movement? We will need your help to continue our pro-life news now more than ever.    (LifeSiteNews) – On June 24, the Supreme Court of…


A godly response to the overturning of Roe v Wade

A godly response to the overturning of Roe v Wade by J John for Christian Today The overturning of the fifty-year-old Roe vs Wade, the 1973 Supreme Court ruling that allowed abortion in the USA, has provoked all sorts of reactions. For Christians such as myself, who have long campaigned for the sanctity of all human life from the moment of conception, it is a pivotal and momentous point in history. As our Holy Bible says: ‘When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.’…


God’s Word Never Changes, but the Way We Read It Does

God’s Word Never Changes, but the Way We Read It Does by ABBY PERRY via Christianity Today In a crumbling economy, with rising inflation and interest rates, countless industries are flailing–but not Bible publishers. Many Bible publishers will tell you that while it seems to be a time of plenty, they face many challenges that must be understood as opportunities. What sets them apart from the rest of the marketplace is their unifying commitment to distributing the unchanging, accurate Word of God into the hands of both Christians and the…


The ‘Great Reset,’ the Antichrist, and Theology Surrounding a One-World Government

The ‘Great Reset,’ the Antichrist, and Theology Surrounding a One-World Government By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire End-times author Jeff Kinley hopes to inspire readers to be informed, equipped, and ready for what the Bible prophesies will one day unfold. “We need to be prepared for the return of Jesus Christ,” Kinley recently told CBN’s Faithwire. That’s the topic of a new book he authored alongside fellow eschatological mind Mark Hitchcock. The book, “Global Reset: Do Current Events Point to the Antichrist and His Worldwide Empire?” covers some fascinating ground, particularly…