Jerusalem Institute of Archaeology Uncovers The Ritual Bath From Second Temple Period Described As The ‘Upper City’ By Roman Historian Josephus by Geoffrey Grider for Now The End Begins A salvage excavation conducted by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Institute of Archaeology near the Temple Mount has unearthed a unique ritual ‘Upper City’ bath (“mikveh”) dating back to the Late Second Temple period, and written about by Josephus. I love it when biblical archaeologists make new discoveries that shed light on events that took place in Bible times, such is the…
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Preach the Gospel Everywhere. When Necessary, Use Laundromats
Preach the Gospel Everywhere. When Necessary, Use Laundromats by ADAM MACINNIS for Christianity Today A different kind of “third place” ministry creates community and connections with washers and dryers. Some come with track marks from years of drug abuse. Others come with children in tow. Some are struggling through a bad week. Others, a bad decade. All bring their dirty laundry. They wash it and dry it for free at church-run laundry services throughout the United States. “Christ said we should feed the hungry and clothe the naked, and I think…
READ MORE‘It’s 100 Percent God’: Texas Man with Brain Tumor Given Two Months to Live Still Alive Six Years Later
‘It’s 100 Percent God’: Texas Man with Brain Tumor Given Two Months to Live Still Alive Six Years Later By Tré Goins-Phillips for Faith Wire Israel Lemus is a walking miracle — a medical mystery his doctors can’t quite understand. Six years ago, he was diagnosed with stage four glioblastoma — the same aggressive form of brain cancer that took the late Sen. John McCain’s life in the summer of 2018. At the time, Lemus was given a mere two months to live. Since then, he’s gotten engaged, married, purchased a…
READ MOREThe Only New World Order That Truly Counts
The Only New World Order That Truly Counts by Blake Lorenz for Charisma News Alarms started blaring in my mind when I heard the president say he was going to lead us into a new world order. I realized there is nothing new under the sun. From the Persians to Alexander the Great to the caesars of Rome to Karl Marx to Hitler to Stalin to Mao to Muslim terrorists to the secular humanists of our day, many throughout history have announced they would revolutionize a new Utopia that would lead…
READ MOREWhat is Progressive Christianity?
What is Progressive Christianity? By MICHAEL BROWN for Stream I was recently asked to debate whether “progressive Christianity” (henceforth PC) was “another religion” (meaning, a religion other than Christianity) based on critical statements I had previously made about this so-called “progressive” version of the faith. The problem was that the professor who invited me to debate him defined PC differently than I did. In fact, he denied that my definition of PC was valid. In short, I claimed that the “progressive Christians” (henceforth, PCs) I had interacted with affirmed the validity…
READ MOREYes, Christians are being persecuted in America. Here’s how we can respond
Yes, Christians are being persecuted in America. Here’s how we can respond By William Wolfe, Op-ed contributor for The Christian Post Despite what some may claim, Christians are being persecuted in America. That might be hard to hear, but it’s true. Even though the United States is, arguably, the freest nation on the planet, and offers the First Amendment protection, Christians still face already-and-increasing persecution here between our shining seas. We need to recognize this and prepare for it to get worse. When making such a factual statement as “Christians are persecuted…
READ MOREJohnny Cash’s Son Reveals Dad’s Never-Before-Seen Faith Quotes, Powerful Christian Journey
Johnny Cash’s Son Reveals Dad’s Never-Before-Seen Faith Quotes, Powerful Christian Journey By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire Johnny Cash has musically inspired fans and fellow performers alike, but the late singer has also left a spiritual legacy that lives on nearly 20 years after his death. His son, John Carter Cash, is keeping the flame of his dad’s faith alive by compiling a new book titled “Walking the Line: 90 Devotions of Truth and Hope Based on the Faith of Johnny Cash.” The text is a compilation of Johnny Cash’s past…
READ MOREPrayer for Mom 7/19
Prayer for Mom 7/19 Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me with my unbelief. Quiet my soul and bring rest to my troubled mind. The body aches and at times it feels as if my mind is on fire. It is only by the grace of God that peace can be found. It is only through the name of Jesus Christ the waters will calm and the Solid Rock which my life stands upon will be in placed under my feet. Heavenly Father, bring healing to Mom…
READ MORELet the Spirit of Faith Arise for the Transformation of America
Let the Spirit of Faith Arise for the Transformation of America by Michael L. Brown for Ask Dr Brown We have already addressed the legal question of whether the overturning of Roecould lead to the overturning of Obergefell. And we have explained that the overturning of Roe by the Court was a matter of law, not a matter of faith. At the same time, from a spiritual perspective, the overturning of Roe was absolutely a matter of faith, which is why we thanked God for answers to prayer when the decision…
READ MORE‘The Bible Memory Man’ Who Can Recite 20 Biblical Books by Heart Explains Why You Should Memorize God’s Word
‘The Bible Memory Man’ Who Can Recite 20 Biblical Books by Heart Explains Why You Should Memorize God’s Word By Billy Hallowell for Faith Wire Tom Meyer, a Christian professor, known as “The Bible Memory Man,” believes committing Scripture to memory can transform believers’ faith and lives. Meyer has memorized 20 books of the Bible in their entirety, and now he’s on a mission to help others do the same. The educator recently told “The 700 Club” why he believes passionately in memorization. “Number one, it puts the mind of God…