Walking By Spirit… Good morning Faithful Man walking in the Spirit Heavenly Father, Almighty God we bow before You with our face to the ground and hands in the air while we praise You and give You all the glory for this life. Father, lift Erik, lift Christy and lift the entire Dattwyler family, wrap them in Your glory, unite the Holy Spirit with their heart, soul and mind. Asking only for healing from the great Healer, the One Physician able to heal all, able to raise up all and…
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Nazi’s Are Alive and Well…
Nazi’s Are Alive and Well… Tyranny seems to be spreading around the world and very few people are resisting. Is it something in the food, in the water, in the air? Is it a combination of chemicals in all? Whatever it is, if we don’t get a grip on this situation, pretty quick, we are all going to be nothing more than salves to the few. Watch this, Watch it again Let it sink in…does it make sense yet? This is the same cycle throughout History Control of the masses…
READ MORELet Your Healing Rise…
Let Your Healing Rise… Good morning Mighty Warrior of Faith. Father God as we lift Your name above all names and place Your name above our lives, we thank You for renewing our mercies every day. We could not make it without You. Father God, in the name of Jesus Christ, with heads bowed and eyes closed, we seek Your face. We seek Your beauty in all situations. We ask Your protection over our lives. We knock upon Your door to be made a bondservant of Your Love, Your Light…
READ MORETrump, Australia, VQis and More…
Trump, Australia, VQis and More… Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America pic.twitter.com/t1knwBFiWI — RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) September 24, 2021 The #Melbourneprotest are now in the suburbs. Northcote is a predominantly Lebanese, greek and Italian suburb. Far from the "nazis" the media tried to portray them as. pic.twitter.com/mHmaDVKq81 — Syrian Girl 🇸🇾🎗 (@Partisangirl) September 24, 2021 For your health and safety pic.twitter.com/5bbAcAQelD — Five Times August (@FiveTimesAugust) September 24, 2021 This lady has no fear. Love her Patriotism pic.twitter.com/Sim8byBKLr — kneel For God Only…
READ MOREPower To Face The Storm…
Power To Face The Storm… Good morning Man of Valor. Heavenly Father, Almighty God we ask You to guide and direct our thoughts and our activities in this day and all the days to come. Father God as we place Your name over our lives, over all that is, all that was and all that is to come, we thank You for making our mercies new every morning. Father it is Your Strength that propels us forward, it is Your love that protects us from all darkness and gives us…
READ MOREScreaming At An Empty Sky
Screaming At An Empty Sky by Randolph Jason for Gospel News Network In truth we despise the endless toil to fill our days knowing that we can’t stop the inevitable. That we are who we are. That we are what we are and there is only The One Way out. There is only one Truth that we must face. There is only one Life that we can live that will make all the endless toil stop – a life lived through Jesus Christ. We are simply distracting ourselves from the…
READ MOREOur Strength Is Found in Jesus and Jesus Alone…
Our Strength Is Found in Jesus and Jesus Alone… Good morning Humble Follower of Jesus Christ. Father God we come before You with a heart for Your love, for Your strength and for Your Living Waters. Our unquenchable thirst can only be be satisfied with the Your Living Word. Father God we lift Your name above our lives, above all that is, all that was and all that is to come, the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, will forevermore be in its rightful place of honor over all of…
READ MOREYoung Man – Second Vaccine (Videos)
Young Man – Second Vaccine Videos pic.twitter.com/G3SYfPWhTZ — truth3rb0t 🎭 (@trutherbotnet) September 22, 2021 Part 2 of 4Here is his original video that is now removed pic.twitter.com/VgWTCjgjIG — Nashville Angela (@Angelasfreenews) September 21, 2021 4 of 4Local news forced to report after story went viral pic.twitter.com/VobQyK5fuR — Nashville Angela (@Angelasfreenews) September 21, 2021 When do we start listening to this guy instead of the people continually pushing a killer drug on us and our family? pic.twitter.com/WHqvcVvrX7 — Bojomomma22 (@bojomomma22) September 21, 2021 Instead of listening to people that actually have…
READ MOREA Walk In the Wilderness
Good morning Loving Soldier for the Lord. We thank You Father God for a wonderful night’s rest. We thank You Father God for placing a hedge of protection around hearts and families. We find our lives in the Powerful name of Jesus Christ. Our identity comes from Jesus alone. Father God as we lift Your name above our lives and all aspects of our life, we fall to our knees in honor of You. All praise and glory are Yours. The Spirit of God comes to us, holds us together,…
READ MOREMeanwhile in Australia…
Meanwhile in Australia… The global uprising is gaining a foothold in several countries, but none so much as Australia. With the leadership, as we continue to document, has lost their collective mind and have been treating the citizens like livestock, the citizens have reached a breaking point. The citizens are beginning to rise up in earnest. This same spirit will be making it’s way through other countries in short order. As you are probably aware, and we know the criminals in charge most certainly aware, once people start a movement,…