Begging For Lower Prices Doesn’t Work…

Begging For Lower Prices Doesn’t Work… My guess is the OPEC nations are laughing at Biden and the others for asking for lower prices. OR this is all part of the larger plan, the dog and pony show with OPEC, to make Biden appear to be something he is not. We already know he is as corrupt as any human that has ever been, so what’s another log on the fire? The Biden Administration needs to take swift action to reduce the price of gas and provide relief for American…


I In Them, and Thou In Me…

I In Them, and Thou In Me… Good morning Friend of Jesus Christ. May the Light of the World shine brightly through your heart and radiate in those around you. Heavenly Father, Almighty God, it is because of Your great love for us that You sent Your one and only Son, Jesus Christ, to bear witness to us. You, Father, made it possible for us to see and hear Your Living Word through Jesus Christ. It is by Your Mighty hand that Jesus calls us to Him, to be with…


Florida Man Storms DC

Florida Man Storms DC FLORIDA MAN STORMS DC — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) October 27, 2021 This is the world today Walgreens pharmacist in San Antonio refusing to fill a doctor prescribed prescription. — suzy (@Suzy1776) October 24, 2021 This is called leadership. This woman should be tried for treason and the full extent of the law should be executed following her conviction. WATCH: Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern is asked if she is creating two different classes of people, with only the vaccinated being afforded…


Being Watchful To This End…

Being Watchful To This End… Good morning branch of the Vine. May the flow of God’s Word be plentiful and forever abide in you. Heavenly Father, Almighty God, we gather in Your presence to honor and glorify Your mighty works created through these vessels. We are nothing but a servant to Your Word and seek a deeper drink of Your Living Water. Dwell within our hearts, fill our soul with Your Holy Spirit. Heavenly Father, Almighty God it is because of Your great Love for us that we have anything.…


Resign Tonight…

Resign Tonight… Whenever “big tech” tells us that something is “misleading” “fact checked” or some other nonsense they, literally, made up on-the-fly this is the most important information and should be read first. The video below fits the bill. Dr. Richard Fleming: Pfizer Vaccine Causes Blood Clots Under Microscope "Add the Pfizer vaccine and the red blood cells lose their oxygen carrying capacity and the red blood cells start to clot… This is proof positive that these vaccines cause this type of damage ❗ — Francesco (@Frances40996115) October 27,…


He Will Not Judge By What His Eyes See…

He Will Not Judge By What His Eyes See… Good morning Man of Honor. May God always go before you and your family to Light the World in which you tread. Heavenly Father, Almighty God, wake us from our sleep, wake us from our slumber that we would stand in Your Love. Wake us, Father God, that we would speak softly, yet boldly, of Your Healing Power for the lost, for the weary and for the hurting. Let Your mercies, Father God, be renewed in us today, the day the…


Bless Thee and Keep Thee…

Bless Thee and Keep Thee… Good morning Brave Soldier of Faith. May the Lord bless you and shower favor upon you and yours in this day, the day the Lord has made. Heavenly Father, Almighty God, we humbly come before You seeking Your healing touch. Our brother, Ken, has need for a healing touch on his leg. Father God, we bow before You and raise Your name over our lives and all the earth, we raise it like a banner for all to see. Father God, it is by Your…


Rejoice Always; Pray Without Ceasing…

Rejoice Always; Pray Without Ceasing… Good morning student of the Great Teacher, follower of Jesus Christ and son of the Father of All. May the Lord Jesus Christ show favor to you and yours in this day and all the days forevermore. Father God, we rest quietly in Your bosom watching as You mend, as You heal and as You move through our lives. Almighty God, Father of All, teach us to be better students of Your healing ways that we are not careless in our relationship. Heavenly Father, Almighty…


Jesus, Mediator Of A New Covenant

Jesus, Mediator Of A New Covenant Good morning sovereign son of God, in whom there is a thirst that can only be quenched at the deepest level by the Word of our Lord. Almighty God, Father of All, we come before You, a humble servant, seeking Your Word that fills our soul. We give all praise and honor and glory to You. It is Your hallowed Name that delivered the Kingdom of God to earth. Almighty God, we humbly ask that You search our mind and rebuke all the words,…


People Being Irresponsible…

People Being Irresponsible… This first video is on target and Bill Maher is, seemingly, returning to his roots. Every spoken – UP TO THE 2:08 MARK – is truth. The kind of truth people don’t like to hear. The kind of truth that bear responsibility – on your part, my part and everyone else. It points out the FACT that we all have a part to play and if we don’t there will be a lot of dead people in the streets – a lot. This is not something I…