The Breath of Life…

The Breath of Life… Good morning man made from dust whose life was breathed into him by God himself. May the Lord of lords bless and keep you and your family in this day. Father in Heaven and Creator of All things we bow before You and no one else. Heavenly Father, God Almighty, the very breath in our lungs is from You. Without You, Father God, there is nothing nor any thing on, in, above or below this earth. It is all from Your hand, Father God. Heavenly Father,…


We Only Have _________ Years To “Save the Planet”

We Only Have _________ Years To “Save the Planet” How many more times are these same satanic globalist going to use the same line? One would think after more than 30 years of a failed campaign that it would some how change. The narrative would shift and an entirely new slogan would arise. No, these are leftist, communist that can not think for themselves and believe we can’t, or don’t, think for ourselves either. It might be a good idea if these people simply started with making their own bed…


Having Compassion for One Another…

Having Compassion for One Another… When we don’t understand we turn to the Lord, Our God, Jesus Christ. Seeking after His wisdom we find solace, we find the Comforter and Counselor in the Holy Spirit. The answers can be clear but usually we find parables to our situation. Seeking first the Kingdom of God in Heaven, we see our needs are met with joy and thanksgiving. The Father of All gives us free will. We are allowed to turn towards His Kingdom or we can turn away from it. The…


Spontaneous Abortions…mRNA νÆ<<∫ΠΠē

Spontaneous Abortions…mRNA νÆ<<∫ΠΠē This man is a huge part of the our world morphing and becoming a lot less beautiful, a lot less Godly and a lot more hateful. When the truth comes out.Don’t ask me how I knew.Ask yourself why you didn’t. — Emily Jayne (@aussienproud14) November 2, 2021 Rapid Communication Spontaneous Abortions and Policies on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Use During Pregnancy. Science, Public Health Policy & the Law 4:130-143. Brock AR and S Thornley. 2021. Rapid Communication Spontaneous Abortions and Policies on COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Use…


What’s Going On In Florida Right Now… Do Tell

What’s Going On In Florida Right Now… Do Tell Well it seems that Don Lemon, that mystic of the microphone at CNN is visiting the free state of Florida!! After bashing the great Governor, Ron DeSantis, for protecting the citizens and following the Constitution instead of “owners”. You know “owners” like the ones the democrats report. Don Lemon enjoys being maskless in the great free state of Florida — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) November 1, 2021 Hhmmmmm — Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) November 1, 2021 The…


As Living Stones…

As Living Stones… Good morning child of God and man-on-the-move. May the Father bless and keep you and yours in this day. It is with fear and trembling the darkness recedes. It is by Our Fathers Word we move into the Light and lift up the name of Jesus Christ. As we speak the name above all names the enemy flees. The devil must flee at the mention of the name, Jesus Christ. We have seen this Mighty Work before our eyes. Father God, You have shared with us a…


Only The Intended Victim Can Curb Violent Crime…

Only The Intended Victim Can Curb Violent Crime… As our world continues to spiral out of control and we see more and more violence coming to the streets of our neighborhoods, it may be a good time to reassess our role. What should a person do when confronted by another person that has no regard for life, especially your life, doesn’t feel the sting of law because they don’t care about the law nor are they threatened by the thought of going before a judge or a jury. How should…


Your Faith and Hope Are In God…

Your Faith and Hope Are In God… Good morning walking, talking son of God. What a joyous day to see the Lord has restored you. May the Lord shower blessings over you and your family in this day. Heavenly Father, God Almighty, it is by Your grace that we have salvation and redemption through the blood of Jesus Christ. It is by the mighty name of Jesus Christ that we have power unmeasurable and love undefiled. It is through the glorious works of Jesus Christ that all is possible, that…


The Holy Scriptures, Which Are Able To Make You Wise…

The Holy Scriptures, Which Are Able To Make You Wise… Welcome home my friend, my brother in Christ. May you, the valiant one, begin doing the works our Father has assigned. May the Strength of God raise you to do His mighty works. Father God, as You have taught us from our youth it is by Your hand that we have anything and everything. It is by Your hand that we know of salvation and try to carry the message to Your sons and daughters. It is by Your hand,…


Whatsoever Things Are True…

Whatsoever Things Are True… Good morning Erik, son of the Father of All. May the Lord bless and keep you, and yours, in this day, the day the Lord has made. It is with great joy we come before the Lord of Host. Father God, in this day one of Your children will mark a new beginning. Father, it is by Your hand that Your child, Your son, Erik, will walk out of this hospital and travel to the land which You gave him and his family. Father God, all…