How to Prepare for the 2020 Post-Election CHAOS (and Get a FREE Post-Election Prep Checklist)

How to Prepare for the 2020 Post-Election CHAOS (and Get a FREE Post-Election Prep Checklist) by Daisy Luther for The Organic Prepper It feels like only a short time ago when I wrote a similar article about post-election chaos in the battle between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. And all hell did break loose in cities across the country. While the worst of it was short-lived, it set the scene for four years of contempt, disrespect, and growing disenfranchisement with the opinions of our fellow Americans. And here we are…


Getting Your Vehicle Ready to Get Out of Dodge

Getting Your Vehicle Ready to Get Out of Dodge by Daisy Luther for The Organic Prepper By now, you’re probably sick of the constant refrain on this website of, “don’t be there” when something dangerous is going on. While it isn’t as exciting as planning a revolution or turning your home into a supermax, it’s a boring yet essential foundational point that Toby and Selco taught us at the women’s survival course in Croatia and it holds true in just about every survival situation. And second to that is, “If you are there, then…


It’s Election Night – You’re At Home – And Then…

It’s Election Night – You’re At Home – And Then… by Ken Jorgustin for Modern Survival Blog You have voted. Maybe you voted early, absentee (that’s what we did). Or maybe you voted on election day. You head back home to hunker down. You switch-on the TV to begin watching the unfolding future for America. If you’re like most regulars here – you’re probably watching the coverage on Fox News. This way you avoid regurgitating your popcorn if you happen to watch any of the other alphabet soup channels. In any…


Think About Everyone Who Might Know That You Are Prepared

Think About Everyone Who Might Know That You Are Prepared by Ken Jorgustin for Modern Survival Blog I have addressed this issue multiple times over the years here on the blog. But this time, I want you to take it a step further. Identify (in your own mind) anyone and everyone who may know that you are “prepared”. It is a hypothetical exercise. It will help you to be ready for a particular circumstance. One that is not beyond the realm of possibility as we transition “the turning” we are living…


8 Strategies for Prepping When You Have NO Extra Money

8 Strategies for Prepping When You Have NO Extra Money by Daisy Luther for The Organic Prepper Given the economic circumstances in the United States, it’s unsurprising that a lot of people who would otherwise be prepping have found themselves at a standstill due to financial reasons. Whether it’s because of a job loss, higher food prices, or simply no room in the budget, you can still prep. Here are some strategies to help you get ready for the next few months. Make a menu Before you ever set foot…


Here’s What I’m Telling Loved Ones About What to Expect and How to Prepare for It

Here’s What I’m Telling Loved Ones About What to Expect and How to Prepare for It by Daisy Luther for The Organic Prepper Editorial Note: Sometimes people ask me, “If I was your family member, what would you advise?” I had begun writing a letter to my loved ones about what is coming and how to prepare for it and I wanted to share it here. If you have family members who you’d like to see get better prepared, please share this with them.  They – like my loved ones –…


How To Save Tomato Seeds For Next Years Garden

How To Save Tomato Seeds For Next Years Garden by Ken Jorgustin for Modern Survival Blog Here’s a simple step by step guide with pictures how to save some of your tomato seeds. This year I grew some Brandywine heirloom tomatoes. I believe they were the best tasting I’ve ever grown so far. They were ridiculously delicious! So, I’m going to grow some more next year. Why give up a good thing? If it’s not broke – don’t fix it! It’s really easy to save tomato seeds. Although you do have…


Prepare For The Left Unhinging Into A Chaotic Frenzy

Prepare For The Left Unhinging Into A Chaotic Frenzy by Ken Jorgustin  for Modern Survival Blog If Trump Wins 2020 The Left Will Completely Unhinge Just look at what happened in 2016, and the the four years since. All that you have seen, heard, and endured from the left. It will likely be nothing in comparison to what the unhinged left will unleash upon America if they lose this one. We already know for a fact (thanks to statements from Nancy Pelosi and others) that they will NOT accept a…


Lessons from the Pandemic

Lessons from the Pandemic by Don and Patrice Lewis for Survival Blog The year 2020 has been wacky, hasn’t it? When we celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas in 2019, few of us anticipated what lay in store for the future. But that’s the nature of crises – they’re unexpected. Despite being immersed in the preparedness movement for many years, the coronavirus pandemic was something we didn’t see coming. Now everyone is coping with the fiscal aftermath of what might turn into another Great Depression. To paraphrase Thomas Paine, these are the…


18 Simple Habits That Create a Prepared Mindset

18 Simple Habits That Create a Prepared Mindset By Melonie Kennedy for The Organic Prepper Look both ways before crossing the street!” “Take a sweater so you don’t get a chill!” “Don’t let the gas tank get under half!” Most of us have heard these and many other parental adages over the years – but how many of us really stop and think about the importance of such advice when it comes to being prepared? I may drive my family nuts when I ask if everyone has a sweater or…