Pastor Greg Locke’s Prophecy On The Hour of Acceleration and ‘Suddenly Moments’ by Shelby Bowen for Charisma News
In the spiritual realm and even in the natural, there is an acceleration taking place at unprecedented rates. Between technological advances, the agenda of the enemy becoming more prevalent and revivals popping up throughout the world it’s crucial to understand what God is doing in this hour. We have been sitting down with prophetic voices to hear what God is speaking to them for 2023.
Charisma News interviewed Pastor Greg Locke from Global Vision Bible Church in Mount Juliet, Tennessee on what God has shown him for the upcoming year. His church has over 3,000 congregants who meet in a tent outside every Sunday and their numbers are continually growing.
“I’ve really been seeking into the Lord about the word acceleration,” Locke says.
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The churches that are experiencing growth are seeing it on a massive scale and quickly, these “suddenly moments” Locke says are like the book of Acts. God is awakening his people and getting them ready for the return of Jesus.
The Bible says that the kingdom of heaven is like 10 virgins who take lamps to go and meet their groom. Matthew 25:2-3 says, “Five of them were wise and five were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps, but took no oil with them. But the wise took jars of oil with their lamps.”
A Pew Research study shows that 49% of Christians in America do not believe we are living in the end times. Despite what you may think, the Bible says the Bridegroom was delayed and the virgins began to sleep. Matthew 25:6 continues saying, “But at midnight there was a cry, ‘Look, the bridegroom is coming! Come out to meet him!'”
As followers of Jesus we have to be ready and prepared for his return. We must have oil in our lamps which symbolized the intimacy we have in our relationship with God.
“We have to be ready and we have to understand that God has positioned the church as the pillar and ground of the truth and we have to stop being embarrassed, explaining things away and apologizing for the power of the gospel,” Locke says.
Locke believes the tension will grow rapidly and people will have to chose sides. Will you be hot or will you be cold?