Prophecy: The Lord Is Getting Ready to Reconstruct Much of His House! by AMANDA SHIFLETT for Charisma News
Although I have shared this particular word several times since the original post in January of 2018, I felt led to share it again, and to focus on a different portion than I normally have. Although this word speaks of many earthquakes and volcanoes happening (which we have seen much), it also speaks of what that will symbolize prophetically.
The Lord showed me there would be some great deconstruction and then a “reconstruction” of much of His church. Some would be taken down to studs and some down to the foundation before they would be rebuilt according to His kingdom blueprints. In light of much of what we have been seeing in a lot of areas lately, I felt the Lord wanted me to highlight this word once again. We can never forget, everything He does for and to His church is ultimately for her good. May the master architect do what is necessary to reconstruct according to His plans!
Excerpt From Word, January 2018:
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Many things not built on His rule and His kingdom, but on the kingdoms of man and on their thoughts and plans, will be brought down. This will happen in His church more than any other mountain, although it will happen in many other spheres of influence.