We’re Losing The Frightening Gaslighting Battle To Control Our Thoughts And Make Us Submit To The New World Order

We’re Losing The Frightening Gaslighting Battle To Control Our Thoughts And Make Us Submit To The New World Order By  for Now The End Begins

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, at the start of NTEB back in the early days, we would write and warn people that a takeover was coming, and it would usher in a day where truly insane things like the idea of people being able to change their gender would not only be commonplace, but would be an ideology enforced at the highest levels of government. They are gaslighting us, and we are letting them, what happens next? You won’t like it, but we’ll show it to you on this Prophecy News Podcast.

Everything we warned you was coming is now now here, and people who dare speak the truth are fired from their jobs, banned on social media, and labeled as hate criminals.

What happened this week during Supreme Court confirmation hearings is something that should chill you to your very core, something every bit as frightening as anything that took place during the pandemic. Supreme Court judge nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson was asked perhaps the easiest question ever asked of a nominee, what is a woman? Her answer to that question, and the attacks that followed by the Left, show you beyond any doubt that they are after nothing less than the right to determine what thoughts we are allowed to think.

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“The fruit of thy land, and all thy labours, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway: So that thou shalt be mad for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see.” Deuteronomy 28:33,34 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, at the start of NTEB back in the early days, we would write and warn people that a takeover was coming, and it would usher in a day where truly insane things like the idea of people being able to change their gender would not only be commonplace, but would be an ideology enforced at the highest levels of government. And if you didn’t agree that it was possible, then you would be guilty of ‘hate speech’ and dealt with as a criminal. Ten years ago, we weren’t able to get more than a small handful of people to see this was coming, but in 2022 we are seeing government funded chemical castration of children. Everything we warned you was coming is now now here, and people who dare speak the truth are fired from their jobs, banned on social media, and labeled as hate criminals. They are gaslighting us, and we are letting them, what happens next? You won’t like it, but we’ll show it to you.

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