Oil and Gas Associations Unite to Destroy Biden’s Narrative About Who’s Behind the Energy Crisis

Oil and Gas Associations Unite to Destroy Biden’s Narrative About Who’s Behind the Energy Crisis By Brandon Morse for Red State

The energy crisis is in full swing and true to form, the Democrats are leveling their fingers at everyone but themselves. The Biden administration, for instance, doesn’t want to take any responsibility despite having the lion’s share of it. Instead, they point to two of their favorite punching bags, Russian Vladimir Putin and that dastardly oil and gas industry.

However, the oil and gas industry isn’t letting the lie go and ten associations have united to make clear the truth behind the energy crisis.

Ten associations from all over the nation wrote an open letter to Joe Biden that demolished his narrative that fossil fuel companies were somehow to blame for the energy crisis because they were greedy and attempting to price gouge customers in times of turmoil.

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The letter begins by stating that they support Biden in his efforts to punish Putin for his unjust war against the Ukrainian people and that it has had an effect on the price of oil and gas. As a result, parts of his administration have demanded that oil and gas companies in the U.S. step up, only there’s an issue stopping them from doing so…his administration:

However, there is a key challenge standing in the way of unity: the words and actions of you and members of your administration.

In particular, it’s regrettable that you and your White House team have continued to mischaracterize facts regarding our industry – often maligning our motives, and frankly, in some cases, advance complete and total falsehoods.

For example, you have said oil companies could be drilling right now because we have over 9,000 approved permits, a misleading statement at best. More about that below. Also, just last Friday, you said that companies “would rather take those profits and buy back their own stock rather than take that money and invest it in pumping new oil.”

With respect, Mr. President, how do you know what motivates oil company business decisions?

The letter continues by listing just how Biden’s administration has been holding back oil and gas production in the state, citing his hostile attitudes toward it from day one. This includes blaming U.S. oil and gas as a primary villain in climate destruction which is wholly inaccurate given China and Russia’s horrendous eco-standards and Biden’s declarations that oil and gas production in the U.S. has to come to an end.

“Surely in your over 40 years of government service, you have learned that government officials’ words and deeds impact
business decisions” reads the letter.

The associations point out Biden’s hostility toward their companies and associations going back to 2019 when he campaigned on their companies being no longer welcomed in America by his administration and kept that promise with the cancelation of the Keystone XL pipeline on day one and an executive order enacting a moratorium on new leasing on public lands and waters.

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