CRISIS in UKRAINE: What’s REALLY Going On (Video)

CRISIS in UKRAINE: What’s REALLY Going On Video by Remnant TV

There’s a crisis in Ukraine, but who’s invading whom, exactly, and when did it actually start?

As the bodies of heroic Ukrainians pile up, Michael J. Matt takes a hard look at how we got here.

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Here’s the timeline:

Back in 2014, when Jen Psaki was a spokesperson for Hillary Clinton’s State Department, she was asked about plans for a secret U.S. coup d’état in Ukraine that had been leaked to the press. A year later, the Obama Administration helped set up the new, anti-Russia government.
In 2015, a top Ukrainian political analyst wrote a letter to George Soros thanking him for spending hundreds of millions of dollars rebuilding Ukraine and then planting special operatives and political activists throughout the country.
Then in 2017, neocon Senators Lindsey Graham and John McCain traveled to Ukraine and promised top military leaders that the US would give them “everything they need” to go to war against Vladimir Putin.
And now a top advisor to Klaus Schwab says war in Ukraine will unite the world against gas and oil so that the world economy can finally “go green”.
What’s the truth behind the biolabs in Ukraine? What did Putin actually say when he spoke at Davos? And what’s really going on in Ukraine?

This Remnant Underground will remove the blindfold.

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