Mary Kept All These Things…

Mary Kept All These Things…

Prayer may be the most powerful weapon known to mankind. It is a direct link to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit which is to say a direct conversation with God. Conversations are two or more people speaking about a particular subject or topic. Two or three people gathered in the name of Jesus Christ you have a prayer circle with Jesus Christ being in the midst.

Mediation, while similar to prayer is not prayer. If we are meditating we are focused on a single point. We are not asking, we are not discussing, we are not praying, we are pondering on a single item seeking to better understand or know more about this single item. Meditation is equally as powerful as prayer, but it is completely different. We are not sharing with others, we are holding it in our heart to see what manifest from this single point.

And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. ~ Luke 2:18-19 KJB

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Jesus has just been born and the shepherds of the field have just told Mary the Angel of the Lord had told them to come and praise the King of kings which was born in the City of David (Bethlehem). Mary then meditates on what the shepherds have said, pondered them in her heart.

Seeking the Kingdom of God first could be a reference to meditation. When we seek after something we are focused on that situation. It sometimes because a single point of focus.

Our Father should be the single point of focus throughout our days, for all our days. He should be first, for most us, this takes practice, we have to focus on seeking God first in all our affairs. With continued focus, continuing to meditate on our Father, God Almighty, we will begin to seek God first in all our affairs.

Either the Scripture is the divine Word of God teaching us how to live and how to be a reflection of God, or it’s nothing more than a historical account of events.

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