10 things you should know about the new Pfizer documents

10 things you should know about the new Pfizer documents by Steve Kirsch via The Burning Platform

We have access to 150 documents to date. Here’s a first-cut analysis of what we found.

I am writing this article with Kyle Beattie. Kyle was the author of the 145 country study that nobody was able to refute that showed that the more you vaccinate, the higher the COVID infection and death rate that I wrote about on January 8, 2022.

About the documents

We’ve been hard at work going through the Pfizer documents that were released on March 1, 2022.

Pfizer has done a series of drops starting with documents on the 18th of November, 2021 and all the way up to first of March this year.

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There are 150 documents so far comprising an estimated 50,000 pages. The documents are all posted here on this third-party portal (it is not run by Pfizer):

So far, they have given us some of their internal code dictionaries, which correspond with various other documents, studies, and spreadsheets and will take some time in order to analyze completely (they use SAS mostly). They have also provided some documents they sent and received from the FDA as well as some of their results of their own clinical animal and human trials.

Limitations of our analysis

Since I have a limited staff on this project (me and Kyle), we won’t be able to do everything that others will cover. I am sure that the mainstream media and also the medical community will be all over these documents exposing the corruption in great detail.

OK, I was just kidding. The truth is that the only people who are going to let you know what is really going on in these documents are the people that the mainstream media calls “misinformation spreaders.” Everyone else is going to pretend like nothing is wrong.

Key conclusion: their data doesn’t support their claims

Pfizer’s own data does not support the claim their COVID-19 vaccines are “safe and effective.”

Pfizer seemingly lied to the FDA by claiming their vaccines prevent COVID-19, and the FDA and mainstream media then dutifully lied to the American people repeating this false claim.

Things the documents tell us now

Here are the some of the issues we will cover in this review. More to come as we learn more:

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