Modern-day barbarism: It sure looks like Maryland’s proposed abortion law would allow mothers to essentially kill their babies up to one month after birth

Modern-day barbarism: It sure looks like Maryland’s proposed abortion law would allow mothers to essentially kill their babies up to one month after birth by Daniel Payne for Not The Bee

Many pro-life arguments center around the commonsense fact the pro-abortion position can, if taken to its logical endpoint, be extended to newborns as well: Virtually every argument in favor of killing unborn humans can be applied to born ones as well.

If you need further evidence of this, consider Maryland in the year of our Lord 2022:

Babies could be killed 28 days after birth under proposed Maryland law, attorney warns – LifeSite

Senate Bill 669 could be interpreted to allow for abortions through the first month after the baby is born, a legal analyst says.

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Legislation proposed in the Maryland Senate would allow babies to be left to die for as long as the first 28 days after birth, according to analysis from a pro-life attorney.

Senate Bill 669 is also known as the Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022, but the problems go beyond the use of “person” in place of accurate references to women having babies. Senator William Smith, a Democrat, sponsored the legislation, which will have a hearing on March 15.

“[T]he bill also proposes a revision of the fetal murder/manslaughter statute that would serve to handcuff the investigation of infant deaths unrelated to abortion,” American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) attorney Olivia Summers wrote in her analysis.

That’s not an off-the-cuff assessment of the law. Here is what Summers writes in her analysis:

The exact language of the bill states: “This section may not be construed to authorize any form of investigation or penalty for a person . . . experiencing a . . . perinatal death related to a failure to act.” (Emphasis added). In other words, a baby born alive and well could be abandoned and left to starve or freeze to death, and nothing could be done to punish those who participated in that cruel death.

As Summers points out, “perinatal” can be defined as the period of a human’s life that “starts at the 20th to 28th week of gestation and ends 1 to 4 weeks after birth.”

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