Freedom Convoy Truckers Hit DC With Holy Spirit Fire in Their Hearts, Jericho March on Their Minds

Freedom Convoy Truckers Hit DC With Holy Spirit Fire in Their Hearts, Jericho March on Their Minds by AMIR GEORGEĀ for Charisma News

The U.S. version of the Freedom Convoy has expanded from its original California start, picking up after its Canadian counterpart with up to 80 miles of trucks and other vehicles arriving in the Washington, D.C., area.

“We are seeing a movement of God taking over our nation,” said two attendees joining the convoy in its Hagerstown, Maryland, rest stop outside the capital city. “There are three prayer tables that are opened up at each stop for those in the convoy to be able to pray together and be ministered to,” they continued, excited with the convergence of multiple convoy caravans ending up in Washington, D.C. for a massive show of the “silent majority” of Americans.

The Freedom Convoy has carefully congregated in Hagerstown, an hour outside of Washington, D.C. Respecting all traffic rules, in careful cooperation with local authorities despite attempts by Washington, D.C., officials to politicize it, the current plans are to circle the capital like the circling of the walls of Jericho twice a day, increasing daily until officials meet participants’ demands to stop the various mandates and restore freedom to America.

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The truckers, amazingly, are only half of the turnout. Masses of people lined the highways on each overpass throughout the multiple routes, with tens of thousands of individuals with American and Canadian flags and signs proclaiming the love of the Lord Jesus Christ. In Hagerstown, these range from a huge truck with a sign proclaiming Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”; to trucks with signs showing preborn children, appealing for an end to abortion; to a sign on a large truck from a local church that reads, “No King but Jesus” to the theme of the effort: “For God and Country.”

“It is like a block party where the whole city turned out,” say Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, who drove from their home in Virginia to join the convoy. “We really didn’t expect such a crowd. Lines of trucks and cars were everywhere, booths selling flags, T-shirts and such dotted the area. Banners with quotes from our Founding Fathers were draped on the sides of vehicles. Signs from demanding an end to the mandates to support for the troops could be spotted as we strolled through the crowds.”

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